Does it get any better that this??? The Healing Energy in these 3 - TopicsExpress


Does it get any better that this??? The Healing Energy in these 3 stones combined is Out of this World!!! ~Millie B) Known as the Stone of Prophecy, Prehnite has long been used by South African indigenous shamans. Prehnite boosts prophetic abilities, and is a good stone to use when working with tarot or crystal balls. Prehnite enhances visualization and spiritual knowing, and aids in connecting with higher realms, including your higher self as well as spiritual and extraterrestrial beings. Lucid dreaming is induced by Prehnite, while dreams are made easier to remember and nightmares are reduced. Prehnite is said to heal the Healer, and can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment. Put Prehnite in your garden to create a healing sanctuary for yourself. Use Prehnite with energy grids to enhance protective fields, calm, and bring inner peace. Prehnite fosters a strong sense of trust in Universal principles. As such, Prehnite stops hoarding of both possessions and of love by fostering a belief in the abundance and power of the Universe to manifest whatever is needed. Prehnite clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians, and helps you say “no” to unreasonable requests. Prehnite encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps to remain true to self, uplift the spirit and find clarity of heart and mind. Stilbite exhibits a wonderful spiritual energy. Stilbite is often used for psychic guidance and creativity. Carrying a fine, loving vibration, Stilbite can help with all kinds of metaphysical endeavors, and especially with spiritual travel. It is known that people often lose all or some of their memories of spiritual or other metaphysical experiences due to the fact that, to facilitate such experiences, usually a deeper meditative state, such as beta or theta, is necessary. Stilbite is believed to aid in remembering those experiences. Stilbite has a vibration that reminds one of Universal Love and connection. Just holding a piece of gentle Stilbite reminds you that you are loved and cared for regardless of your circumstances. Stilbite raises one’s consciousness of universal love. Use Stilbite on the Third Eye for help with intuition and psychic ability. Stilbite is helpful in learning acceptance and letting go, which is in turn can aid in manifestation work. Stilbite facilitates clarity of thought, even in the most confusing circumstances. Epidote will enhance the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. Epidote increases perception and interaction with spiritual beings, and brings spiritual growth. Epidote is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising ones vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Epidote can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into ones emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Crystal healers like to work with Epidote for its ability to clear congestion and energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies. Epidote will help to balance and stabilize the energy flow in the body. Epidote is also used to help dissipate tumors by releasing stagnant energies in the area. Epidote is an excellent stone for attunement with nature and her healing qualities. It puts forth a simple, calming, grounding, “back to Earth” vibration, which is particularly good for those living in a high energy, city setting. On a more physical level, Epidote’s ability to increase energy is useful in strengthening the physical body. Epidote facilitates a more complete assimilation of nutrients. Epidote stimulates the immune system, aids in the healing process, and is a great stone to use for physical recovery. Epidote increases personal power, clears the emotional body aura, and even increases memory, making it a helpful when looking for lost object. healingcrystals
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 17:38:20 +0000

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