Does it matter after all?....................... The night of - TopicsExpress


Does it matter after all?....................... The night of chaos The office party got finally announced with much delay. It was to be scheduled on New Year’s Eve but they were already into the mid of January. The delay has added to the charm of making the party, a lodestone for miracle, an enchantment that entangled people with wonderful promises, and drifted them into weaving their own fantasies about the night. The spindle-wheel lying scraped in the junkyard of every skull started turning full circles. Office-desks imbibed a feel of Persian art market; employees reclining in their chair had their faces to the ceiling. Tapestries woven out of the yarns, churned out from the spindles in their wits, were vigorously in progress, omnipresent infront of every dreamy eyes yet invisible to others . When the ideas for the party theme were tabled; Vice-President ironically mentioned about the trivial number of patents submitted from the office. Amidst an ocean of themes, Aman’s idea about the prom night was chosen with a landslide. But Vivek pointed out the fact that, everyone present in the room were forgetting a minute hitch in the theme; where the seniors had nothing to be concerned about, it was a pressure for the juniors, who were single, to find a date. Before leaving the room, VP smiled and patted Vivek on his back advising him “Boy, your concern is genuine. But how long do you intend to keep on sharing?” No more Persian artists stepping out the decision-making room, they had become Persian warriors’ dagger drawn on each other. Office atmosphere has changed; the iceberg had de-clustered into patches drifting away from each other. Where the boys were on the verge of becoming enemies among themselves, the girls became more compact, enjoying the attention of boys, there would never be more fun, than in this moment. Unlike few days ago when girls were full of doubt suddenly were self sufficient at work; boys had to digest this fact with a pinch of salt. Gone were the days when a girl would turn up at the cubicle, ask enchantingly whether he was busy, before pushing up the problem to him. Now she won’t even give a passing glance in his way, while he kept waiting indefinitely until his patience withers up. Going to her side, he asked for her excuse, and with that one more gallant soldier of Mars laid down his armour to enchanting beauty of Venus. The room went alive in giggles by the girl’s corner. Girls bunched up to go for shopping for the rest of the week, being in the office for the first half of the day only. The second half of the day felt dubiously boring for the guys to bear with, but the atmosphere was charged up with anxiety, expectation and concern about the surprise the girls were to bring upon the boys. The girls were tight lipped about their endeavour, no courtesy or flattery or even gift could help bend information out of them. The boys were at the mercy of the time. And time is tyrant everybody knows. Finally the much awaited Sunday was here, boys were dress coded in tuxedos like a true gentlemen. Sourav along with the few others were in the corner of the dance hall by the bar stand. The room was dark except the disco lights hopping from face to face, up and down the wall, onto the ceiling, back on the floor, and swirling across the room again. There was a glass room jutting into the main dance hall on the right of the bar. With a bottle of beer in hand, Sourav twirled himself facing towards the room, reclining on the bar table behind, while he was trying to appreciate people dancing with a drink in one hand and the other up in the air infusing their body to the rhythm of the music instilled in the atmosphere. Someone entered the glass room and shook hand while bending over to the D.J’s ear. In another moment he was out of the glass cage heading to his dance partner. When he got infront of his girl, he didn’t move at all, and his girl was out of wit how to react to him. Before she could speak, the room came alive with the music “Lay a whisper on my pillow, leave the winter on the ground........”. The slow music brought a fresh vibe to the room. Everyone quickly tried to loose their drink onto the nearest table, stand, even sofa, to join back to their partner. The song seemed important. I saw few of the dancing partners switch, some broke, some came up from the sofa to join in and some left to wander out of this new euphoria from the dance floor. Sourav’s friends beside him were telling something into his ear, but he was too engrossed by the beauty of the dance floor to pay them his least attention. The serenity and the closeness of the dancing partners together was a little heart enduring. So he got immersed in his own thoughts and drifted to the never-land. His friends left without being noticed in his attention until sometime later. Who in the world is so careless to take their eyes off from the beauty of the dance floor? Sourav wouldn’t let himself commit such a felony. One doesn’t hold this moment every now and then. He decided to stay glued to the seat and watch this beautiful moment swiftly pass before his eyes. His friends were heading to the door right across the room walking across the dancing floor cutting through the middle of the crowd to greet their much awaited ladies at the door, while he was sitting with my bottom glued to bar seat. He could see Gauri, Vineeta, Rashmi, Suchismita, Anamika and few more girls whom he did know just by face. The crowd at the door vanished into the dancing floor with a few gentlemen left behind. The unlucky guys, straightening their tuxedo, gave smiles to each other while admiring the others. Sitting right on the stool at the bar Sourav could feel the sarcasm meant in their smile. They didn’t need to hover at the door for too long, people kept pouring into the dance room. But he was troubled by the fact that when there was no dearth of girls pouring in, Vivek kept standing by the door. What could he be waiting for? The immediate song was coming to an end. Looking out into the dancing crowd trying to trace out the known faces, Sourav noticed Gauri in a black dress, which plastered to her skinny figure, ending just above her knees. Suchismita can be the girl of every man’s dream. She couldn’t have realized it better, rather than in this moment, when every eye in the room gravitated to her, looks roaming all over her right from the topknot to the high heeled sandal below. Aman was holding Suchismita with pride while slow dancing to the groove of the music. The electrifying atmosphere was highly charged up, no one’s eye could remain ignorant to the presence of Suchismita and Aman; even the Vice-President’s wife commented about the pair to her husband when she came down to fetch a drink. Suchismita was wearing a halter-neck dark blue dress which came down to cover just half-way around the thigh. The dress was skin tight accentuating the curve of an hour-glass and leaving the slenderness of her legs to display. The suppleness of her milky white skin made many a throat go dry. Her light brown hair was bummed into a topknot with three diamond studded floral hair-pins keeping the traces together. Matching diamond earrings dangled down her ear by an inch. If the eyes felt engrossed by the beauty of her doe eyes lined with mascara and lips dripping red; then every guy sober or drunk was hapless to feel a skip of heartbeat when the eyes would go to the platinum fob chain holding the stone studded pendant just by the fringe of her bosom. She danced like a swift breeze, flowing over the meadow, twirled on the dance floor like a meandering brook banking round the crook. Her sharp twists were crispy and chocolaty when she swayed. She was gorgeous when she entered the room but elegant while grooving to the music. She was a dancing beauty. Her elegance won praise in every eye but render the onlooker faltering with their dance partner. Enticed in the melody of music and dance she maintained a distance with dancing partner, which Aman would have been tormented with, looking for the slightest slip to breach the gap in between and Suchismita was smart enough to keep. During the dance Suchismita was looking over Aman’s shoulder when her drifting eyes settled onto Sourav. Smile rolled out on her lips, in return he signalled OK sign with his fingers and hand coupled with a smile. Her smile broadened. In the next song Suchismita excused herself to get a drink and came over to the bar. “You are looking gorgeous. Let me get you a drink.” Sourav expressed his admiration for her great look and turning to the bar tender, ordered, “A beer for the lady.” She started chuckling before interrupting with “No!” He felt foolish, how could he be so ungentle-man trying to get her drunk, so he thought about apologising to her “Sorry, my fault, you won’t go for booze. What would you like instead?” “You don’t have to be sorry, but I will appreciate a real one” she said before turning to the bar man. “Two tequila shots and one glass of champagne” she sounded her whim and Sourav’s elbow on the bar-stand slipped down out of nowhere. He said “You can go slow, the night has just begun!” By the time he completed his objection she was down with the first shot and picked up the second. Before she would toss it down her throat, she asked “What time is it?” He forgot to wear a watch to the party so he had to look around for guys to ask for time. She was down with the second shot and hooked the glass of champagne between her fingers. She didn’t give him enough time to get back with the time she asked for. She was pushing out her inner wrist to his face and it was going to be eleven that her watch told him. Sourav was gazing into the watch closing up into his face; he replied “It’s eleven o’clock time.” Her palm gathered on his right cheek and her lips to the opposite ear when she whispered “NO! It’s time to dance.” She glided her finger tips from the cheek, over the neck, down the left arm before holding him by the wrist when turning around to head for the dance floor. Beauty can make Adam chose over heaven. The knowledge tree had nothing special about itself. But the creator wanted human to show faith, believe in him as the ultimate soul mate. He awarded Adam with everything, even things he had no need for. The almighty wanted to test his own judgement, he showed Adam a tree and warned not to crave for it. He expected Adam to be inquisitive towards the world around him and his almighty, hungry for knowledge, but he was too gay like a child in the playground of Eden. The Almighty would talk to him try to fill him with hints about how wonderful the Eden was and most importantly how divinely close they were. Adam was Adam, as moms would say; he paid no attention and went on being ignorantly happy. Almighty felt innocence abiding in the playground of Eden, Adam did whatever the Almighty wanted him to do. The Devil, the Almighty’s friend from The Hell, looked over into the playground of Eden and couldn’t help from being sarcastic to the Almighty, taunting him to be a player who was afraid of opponent. The Almighty unknown of the Devil’s farsightedness, was implanted with an idea to create something. Something, that could challenge the Almighty’s power over Adam. Guess what! He created the most desirous wonder in the world combined, the creation he regretted ever since. The Almighty was never going to throw Adam out of the Eden garden for eating apples from the knowledge tree. After all, Adam was His own creation that He loved Adam so much. The Devil was already into the game which the Almighty intended to play by himself. Adam and Eve were full of innocence, whereas the Almighty and His friend from the Hell were head-on to claim their supremacy over both of them. Now the prevalent rules of the game, setup by the Almighty was started to be challenged by new codes forwarded by the Devil and they chose their pawns in the playground of Eden. Eve bite into the charm of Devil, totally unknown of the gravity of the game the two friends were into. The first code of the Eden was broken, but The Devil hasn’t won yet, Adam was still there upholding the wish of the Almighty. The two friends were at a draw. Then something happened which shook both the friends out of their wit. Adam, yet hadn’t tasted the apple but felt the agony of loosing Eve, his heart pounded with the battered breath, and he wept over Eve’s silly mistake. He knew the judgement day was closing up and he had to decide. Devil and the Almighty were sure, the game was over, both friends scornful of other claiming a draw, and then they were struck, making them bite at their finger nails; he chose to be on the side of Eve, the most wonderful gift bestowed upon him. He knew in his heart, the playground would never look that beautiful again when she was gone, neither could he rest in the softest grass in Eden worrying, what would be her bed. What would she do, when a thorn prick her to bleed? Where would she keep her head, when she would need to weep? He looked at the Almighty and took the bite. Sourav was pondering over the fact that ‘she was on booze and he was sober. Even then, girls can be so dogmatic and boys so vulnerable’. People, who didn’t abide by this revelation, were looking at both of them with awe and some with despair. Who could blame Sourav? Can’t expect him to be from outer space. He was just like every other guy round the corner, expecting a miracle to happen before it gets too late. When you are up for a party what is the first thing striking your mind. It’s fun. Fun is the sole goal. If moms were allowed here, then imagine the height of fun at the party. Fun level going where ? No one would know. They would advise every child to look at the Vice president Uncle, appreciate his gluttony while he gobbled anything and everything from the buffet down his pot belly, full by this time, and her wife complaining about the diet he just failed. But good riddance, Moms are out of picture here. You cannot blame the poor guy, the chicken wings were so irresistible and the chocolate cake melted into the mouth the moment it touched the tongue. But Official parties are not about the food corner. Trying to be smart some knave Project Manager finding absolutely no one in the room to entertain with, headed towards the V.P.’s wife, Avantika. The wine must have got to his head. Fool treads where the angels fear to go. Who in hell, does that? If unless he wasn’t the President. In that case he gets a complete licence to misbehave. When he was approaching his target, few mangers got an intuition about the situation building up. Don’t interrupt when your enemy is making a fault, Napoleon said it and the on-looking Managers were implementing it. “Tell me how much I am drunk, because I see a starlet fallen infront of me?” The question struck the chord perfectly as it was intended; the P.M. got the full attention of Avantika even when she was swaying in the booze and also from few people around, with eyes puffed up to the new strewn dilemma. What are parties about? Parties are about these moments, nobody expecting but everybody anticipating. This Manager must have been a mug-head through his whole life. Seriously he must have read, a million times, the sign at the back of the truck ‘KEEP SAFE DISTANCE’. Little did he worry about more important issues like; debris celestial rocks following the starlet hurling down to earth, doomed to the place where he stupidly stood. He must have seen a falling star tonight, because Avantika’s husband gave a damn for her slenderness, on which she worked so hard to maintain. So the P.M. luckily escaped from being prioritised in the things to do by V.P., in the very next morning. P.M. sat beside Avantika on the couch, looking each other, in the eyes. Holding the near empty glass to his nose, Avantika was waving it in his face, when she replied to the much awaited answer “Drunk, very drunk. Too drunk to see starlets without an open sky!” and then she gave a strong hiccup. Never drink and drive. She was drunk and she drove the nearly empty glass, onto the Manager with a bumpy hiccup. If the on lookers were staring with wide eyes, the next moment their mouth hung wider with awe, when Mr. P.M. ran for the washroom with wetted pants. The food buffet, the bar stand and some leg-pulling, if this was the extensive description for the party then young hearts would had been somewhere else, rather than waiting for the party night to happen with abated breath. What’s Party for? Some people would like to define it as a moment for amusement, some as relationship enhancement, but the sophomore and people who are sophomore at heart defines it as the moment of miracle. Most of the people in the room were not strangers to each other. They work together, interacted all the time but stilled remain strangers. This night was not the same; it got a vibe very different and very personal. Sourav and Suchismitta didn’t use to interact so much, so nobody in the hall expected them to pair up to the dance floor, even Sourav was sceptical of what was going on until he was literally dragged to the dance floor. When she has blown a whisper to his ear, he was already afloat, drifting off the ground as if she had turned off the gravity with mere words of her own. Then when she pulled him by the wrist, he had no inertia to stop the sweep; he glided to wherever she took like a snapped kite drifting at the mercy of the wind. He was heading for the dance floor, looking at his own wrist where she held him imperceptibly, he wasn’t dogmatized, he knew that well, yet the impetus to stop this from happening was so wanting. His feet had its own mind, because when it comes to girls with beauty, singles shows no brain, they nod their heads like parrots, trying to bite at the nuts, waved up and down their face. The groove of the music got serene and slow, the decency of the time wanted partners to close up at dance floor, move like paddies in the meadow, waving in the gust of the breeze. Sourav wasted no time to take her right hand upon his palm before closing his fingers slowly. If performing a dance was like a walk up a hill, then Sourav stumbled into something which was no less than a mountain climbing drill. She had already placed her other hand by the edge of his shoulder on the arms, leaving no room, for him. Gentle men do not ask for adjustment from the beautiful ladies, it lowers their charismatic attribute. Now, definitely Sourav was left with the only option of flaring his hand wider to reach her back and flexing his elbow high up in the air to accommodate her arms. It wasn’t a promising posture he was into, soon his palm tend to slip down the back of her lower ribs, though sooner he would regain back his decent posture, overall it was a clumsy situation. His stretched arm got fatigued and strained to such an extent that intuitions were telling of the impending doom. Sooner or later his hand will drop like a dead log to her waist, and this very thought made him sweat grains on his forehead. He was fighting against all odds to avert such a degrading situation that would instigate wrong impression on her and leave him wanting in explanation, so he prayed for his energy to last through the song. But for how long? The move of the dance floor would now and then push his hand downwards. How can the dance floor of a cold hall get so hot was evident from the beads of sweat filming his forehead? If he could take his eyes off Suchismitta, he would have noticed eyes loitering on them from every corner of the room. Suchismitta thought, she should have limited herself to a glass of champagne. Her brain felt a little bit fluttery, that was something she could easily handle, but she was more bothered about the hesitation with which Sourav’s hand was flipping between her back and her hip. It was so irritating. She would have hated, but couldn’t control asking him to settle down to a single option, he couldn’t get both. Though she wanted to voice her mind she looked at the tensed eyes, deciding not to embarrass him further but pledged that if he dared ask for a favour to allow him lower his hand she would deny him bluntly. He deserves a no; she admonished her own thoughts to think otherwise. She smiled at her own wicked thoughts and bit her lips denying her smile to become a chuckle. Her twinkle in the eyes and a naughty smile couldn’t hide her thoughts from Sourav. He dared to lower his hand down to her hip and she lowered her head into his chest. Sourav couldn’t deny that he was living one miraculous moment. Eve has taken a bite from the apple of wisdom, and when she did she got wise to understand her foolishness. She was standing before Adam with the guilt in her hand with a tear to say good bye. Eve never expected Adam to deny eternity for her. When Adam was leaving the garden with Eve, the heartbroken Almighty spoke to him one last time “Adam, where did you get the wisdom of endurance?”
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 13:58:34 +0000

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