Does this ever happen to U? Something comes to U, an idea lets - TopicsExpress


Does this ever happen to U? Something comes to U, an idea lets say. It comes to U in small amounts at first and U notice it but dont give it much attention until over the course of time it presents itself so many times in various ways like TV, magazines, signs, and so on until it finally gets ur attention. Until U finally make a connection as to why this idea has come to your attention. I have been noticing Vaccines. The word itself, articles about it, a grandson facing shots, and so on. I assure U I have not intensionally been seeking out anything about vaccines. The stuff just keeps presenting itself to me. I have heard in the past several years ago theories about vaccinations being bad for small children & infants. I never gave these theories much thought because there was no harm done to myself or my children from vaccinations. Now I have seriously reconsidered my position on this. Now I am sharing this because I love children. If U care to U can do the research urself for my sources. You shouldnt take my word for it. It started with me reading somewhere that the govt. was putting viruses in kids vaccinations. I know they put a small amount of the virus the shot is for in the meds. but this was a different kind of virus. Like I said earlier I wasnt paying much attention in the beginning. Then I find out Bill Gates has been brought up on charges in India for doing experimental vaccinations on children there and the U.S. govt. has been doing the same thing in West Africa. Then I saw a talk on you tube by a man the govt. attempted to kill 13 times before the succeded named Phil Schneider. He worked for the govt. for 15 years as a geological engineer until he found out what the horrible truth was about his work at which time he left his job and went on a campaign to warm the American people until they silenced him. One of the MANY insights he shared was that the govt. wants to turn the population and low ranking military personell into slaves. The way they are doing this is through giving our children vaccinations that severely deaden the emotions and destroy ones critical thinking skills. This makes sense because those traits would make for a perfect slave. I heard a few days ago that autism is growing at a rate of 20% a year. Thats HUGE and I believe it is actually greater because the doctors wont give U a diagnosis until the child is like 6 years old. The final thing that brought this all into perspective for me was considering the kids in my small family. There arent many however we have 4 children that are not, for lack of a better word, normal. I cant tell U exactly what the problem is because the doctors put off a diagnosis for years. I have concluded that Phil Schneider was telling the truth. He is not an eloquent speaker however my impression of him was he was honest as Job. And he died an American hero and patriot and most have never heard of him. If I were the parent of an infant or child U would have to pry them from my cold dead arms to vaccinate them in this day and age. I can hear someone saying, but they cant go to public school without shots. Well thats great. Then they cant be bullied, taken care of all day by strangers, killed in a bus crash, or shot up by another student.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:22:18 +0000

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