Does this reflect how you feel? Why Malaysians who migrated - TopicsExpress


Does this reflect how you feel? Why Malaysians who migrated despise Malaysia For Your Information: In 2013 17 million people world wide applied to emigrate to Australia.But of course, only a couple of thousand were lucky. This statistic should silence those who think Australia is not a congenial country to live in. 2.1 per cent of Australians are Malaysians. Do your math- there are 23 million people in Australia; therefor there are 483,000 Malaysians down under. For 2013, from January till yesterday, already 8,000 Malaysians have applied to emigrate to Australia under the Skills category. As commented by ex Malaysians If I were a Malaysian who had left for greener pastures and Talent Corp were to approach me to return home, Id soon tell it where to go. I would never return to a country where the lazy and stupid leads the suppressed population. I would never return to a country where growth and opportunities by merit is not practiced and instead, suppressed. I would never return to a country that practices racism and bigotry every day and in every sphere of social life (including political and economic). I would never return to a country who one-party system system openly flouts all decency by supporting racism and bigotry and now violence against minorities. I would never come home to a country that is centered also on corruption, lies and deception, and a police force and armed forces I do not, can not and will not trust. I would never return to a country that is so filled with all manners of crime, social degradation and a total disrespect of the rule of law. I will never return to a country whose regime lies about its politically moderate credentials when in reality it is hardcore neo-nationalist rightist racist that even praises and holds in awe Islamic terrorists and other Islamic fascists whose job is to exterminate infidels, especially Christians and even its own shiite Muslims. I would never return to a country whose regime and all of its institutions, including its entire bureaucracy, is made up of thugs with thuggish behaviors and attitudes towards minorities, the poor, the sick, the homeless and the invalid. I would never come home to a country that most voluntarily allows for the false interpretation of the religion of Islam towards the extreme right and with it bears the tone of hatred and violence and the constitution which it sodomizes at will to advance and protect its own interests and those of its cronies and nepotists. And I would tell all this not just to the face of Talent Corps CEO but also Najib Razak and most especially Zahid Hamidi, Hishammuddin Hussein, Khairy Jamaluddin and Muyhiddin Yassin, all of whom I deeply and thoroughly loathe and detest with every fiber of my being for being wholly untruthful all of the time. Most of us do not want to leave the country of our birth. Most of us do not want to move from our familiar surroundings, friends and even from our love ones and all the comforts of home, just to be in a new place with an alien culture. Most of us would not do it just because of money alone. Immigration to a new country is emotionally hard, often mentally and physically demanding as all sorts of adjustments will be required. One can only imagine how our forefathers made it in Malaya, regardless of where they came. Most of us, left the country because of the lack of opportunities, the racism and bigotry, the injustices and the hopelessness of being unable to do anything about it. We left because we were unable to aspire to be the very best of what we have been trained to do and apply the job skills that our education have given us. We left because we were often unable to receive the education, training and career opportunities that our country denied us not because of our lack of ability or qualifications but because of the color of our skin or the nature of our religious beliefs. We left because we saw huge injustices that will probably never be corrected in our lifetime. We left because we have lost our hopes in the land of our birth. If it is just money and material wealth, most of us who have left would have returned home after we have received our education or made our fortunes. If we had left simply because of the higher pay benefits and the good overseas standard of living, Malaysia would never be able to afford to buy but a score or so us back and most of us would only stay long enough to make our fortunes. Until the day Malaysia is willing to honestly address the root causes, good talented capable people would continue to be forced to leave for countries that welcomes and appreciates their skills and talent that they bring with them. Their contributions would be beneficial towards their newly adopted countrys strength and wealth of that nation who welcomes them with open arms.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:59:09 +0000

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