Does voting matter? What do you think? This video has an opinion, - TopicsExpress


Does voting matter? What do you think? This video has an opinion, and mine is below, but its fun to see what others think! Comment freely. My opinion: Voting is absolutely rigged! Representatives are pushed into the media by biased media moguls, funded and run by corporations. People like Ron Paul, who everyone with half a brain loved, gets pushed aside and estranged all because the media owners refuse to promote him. Its absolutely a corrupt system. Because our communication medium is not ours!! Do we have a fair communication system? Hardly. How can a system be fair when its not allowed to be. Of course every media presents themselves as so fair, but cannot be because so they strive to censor; so much info is omitted. How can we the people choose; and elect someone rightly; when we cant even fairly promote them all? We should be running politics like a beauty pageant! Each local region should raise up a candidate naturally by character alone! Each region should be promoting people who genuinely are a positive influence. These people should also want to be in the public spotlight. Anyone with a monetary agenda or a documented past of corruption or greed should be documented as such. It should all be heavily documented by facts not just stories. Therefore we could easily see who we see. Slowly, like a competition, every small town will compete with other small towns until there rises a few select and popular individuals. All corporate connections and donations should go into one large pot of funding to FUND THIS WHOLE political type PAGEANT EQUALLY!! Meaning hotel rooms, travel, and speaking engagements paid for, all candidates tour the country equally. All speaking arrangements and speaking orders will be chosen randomly. All speakers will have equal time alone. All talks and info will be video recorded and NOT EDITED for upload and storage to a web viewing medium. No funding for any direct individual people, but rather funding the actual process in whole, like a competition. It is the only way to keep things fair! If any leftover donation money exists at the end of the political tour, it goes to the candidates personal choice political cause. Let each person speak and get air time no matter how much the media squawks !! In the end people like Doctor Ron Paul, and Doctor Ben Carson will raise up by the people for the people. And undoubtedly new people! Only THEN WILL VOTING NOT BE CORRUPT!! And as far as the actual voting process goes: Get rid of digital voting, do away with easily manipulatively and hackable computers! Give us all hard copy ballots, and keep those ballots on file for a decade in record! Any fraud or dead voters or fake ballots that end up existing will land certain polling place commissioners in prison! Any politician that wins by way of fraud will end up in jail. Make there be serious penalty for fraud, applicable to all positions.... and with all this, believe you me, everyone will police the system to the letter; And there will be fairness! But we all know, the only reason a truly fair system isnt in place now is not because it hasnt been conceived; but because its intentionally not fair as is!! If it was fair, it would be! I find that a flawless deductive reasoning argument on how you can be 100% positive that your vote does NOT MATTER! If your vote truly matters, we would have a system designed to assure fairness!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:25:59 +0000

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