Doesnt it always end this way? The mad scientist creates his - TopicsExpress


Doesnt it always end this way? The mad scientist creates his monster, only to see it go on a murderous rampage, culminating with an attack on its very creator? Its happened again, this time with Glenn Beck and his monstrous minions. Beck masterminded a mini-media empire known as The Blaze, that includes a website that really really wants to be the new Huffington Post; The Blaze TV - a network devoted to The Glenn Beck TV show, a videocast of his radio show, and a few other radical video programs; and the phenomena that started it all - The Blaze Radio, featuring (you guessed it) Glenn Beck. So you can safely say The Blaze is wholly owned, operated, and supervised by Beck himself. Built with considerable funding from his rabid right-wing followers. So you can well imagine their surprise when the house they built came crashing down on their heads when Blazin Beck dissed their latest rally to save Merica from the hoards of commie Muslims hell bent to destroy our constitutional democracy and replace it with Sharia Law. The May 16 D.C. event was Operation American Spring, and if you didnt hear about it or attend, dont fret. Very few did. The website boasted a rally of millions, and in reality, only about 100 or so actually bothered to show. And therein lies the problem - BlazeBeck attacked and mocked the rally for its ultra-low attendance, and then Frankenbecks monster turned against its maker. Brad Friedman, writing for Salon, details the hilarity that ensued: The organizers of last Friday’s“Operation American Spring” (OAS) had claimed their massive Washington, D.C., protest, “calling for the removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder as a start toward constitutional restoration,” was likely to draw 10 million to 30 million fed-up American patriots to the nation’s capital. To the weekend-long bemusement of Democrats and progressives, the number of attendees at the rally was closer to 10 (just 10) than 30 million. But once the King of the American Patriots himself, Glenn Beck, and his online “news” outlet The Blaze appeared to join in to mock the event, the real patriots could no longer hold their tongues. Longtime supporters of Beck turned their sights on the radio host-turned CNN host-turned Fox “News” host-turned multimillionaire Internet entrepreneur after The Blaze’s Oliver Darcy covered the event, describing it as “only millions short of projected turnout,” featuring “only a few dozen protesters” and as having “failed incredibly.” Many of Beck’s fans were decidedly not happy about that, some going so far as to declare Beck himself “the enemy.” “Operation American Spring was BECKSTABBED and then TheBlaze has the nerve to mock them for low turnout,” said one furious commenter at The Blaze. “Of course glenn [sic] did not endorse it, it wasn’t his PARTY,” said another in response. One attack after another after another seemed to suggest that many among the minions Beck has succeeded in working into an angry, paranoid and disinformation-based lather during the years since President Obama was first elected to office may now be turning hard against the man they had once viewed as their one true savior from the Communist-in-Chief. Here are just a few of the spirited attacks on Beck and The Blaze, as posted at his very own website [all typos, misspelling and bad grammar found in the original]: “Mohawk77?: “Based on disparaging Beck comments made regarding this event I would suggest not getting in a foxhole with Beck expecting him to defend you and I’m sure as hell glad he wasn’t influential in 1776 or we’d all have British accents. … The Founders/Framers risked their lives and fortunes for our freedom. Don’t count on Beck to risk anything except maybe a new sponsor or new found fake friendship with his new Hollywood ‘friends’. Becks about as deep as a small puddle thats almost dry.Just like the GOP..I say cut him off..quit Blaze TV.” “defendConstitution”: “I ALSO AM VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH THE BLAZE. I have given Glen Beck a lot of money because I thought He and the Blaze were on the side of patriots.” “DMONIC”: “Why doesnt little Beckyboy pony up the cash to send all of us to DC? Oh thats right, because hes a govt shill!!” “katzkiner”: “... I just thought after 6 years of Beckie getting all emotional about the founders and the sacrifices of the American Revolution we thought he would jump at the chance to protest the islamic socialist takeover of the country. … Beckie can quit advertising guns, gear, survival food, safes and other prepper stuff, he’s is after all just a teary NY carpetbagger. Good luck as a movie mogel Beck. You will need it. “Hey Harry Lets Box”: “...Beck, give everything to [radio host Michael] Savage and go hide in your hole.” “DaRyuujin”: “I got more respect for those Americans who were there taking a stand then beck sitting comfy in his studio mocking them. I haven’t much heard of Beck doing anything more than running his mouth insulting patriots lately while the country goes deeper and deeper in the pit.” Yikes! Better watch out, Glenn, theyre coming with the torches and pitchforks! You might wanna lay low for awhile. After all, you suggested these Patriots better get themselves well-armed and stockpile the ammo for the coming revolution. You may soon reap what you sowed,but think of the book you can then write about it! Wheeeeee . . . . . . . -KBM Join Mike LIVE 9PM ET on your radio station or on the PV channel on TuneIn! --------------------------------------
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 21:43:45 +0000

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