Dogs are sensitive ... Doggie tears are real. Maybe more than - TopicsExpress


Dogs are sensitive ... Doggie tears are real. Maybe more than you would expect. I have three Chihuahua dogs. Nikki, Rocky III and Isabella. They are very smart little dogs. I know they understand every voice command I speak. I say do you want to go outside, they are at the door doing circles. Every thing we do they understand.. One of the most important things is they are taught to never even step off the curb and into the street... No exceptions. Nikki is three years old and you can place raw meat or even a cheese treat one inch out of her range at the edge of the road and she will not step off the curb even with the one foot needed to reach the treat. I can go inside, leaving her in that position with the food set. Even when not being watched she will not violate the rule. Now Little Isabella, she knows the rule and you can not call her off the curb with treats either... She is tempted but will not venture out if being in view. Isabella and Rocky are 11 months old and prod each other on. If one steps off to get the food when I am hiding, the other will for a split second.. Rocky has figured out a game he plays to fool me.. If Rocky messes up while excited as he is chasing Pit Bulldogs out of the yard and the momentum causes him to run off the curb, I scold him. With his tail between his legs, he runs around the house in the same direction most every time. Seconds later he appears from the other end of the house being all questionably friendly.. Looking all perky and slightly wagging his tail.. Waiting for a friendly gesture from me.. As soon as I acknowledge him he explodes to me as if nothing had ever happened. He actually thinks I think he is a different dog than the one who stepped off the curb and ran away in the opposite direction.. I do not spoil his game on me because it is so funny to watch his actions.. He thinks he has me fooled. If I catch him doing wrong and he does not run away, I put him in Jail. The carry crate for a short period of time and with a good scolding. You will never see a more sad acting dog when scolded. Isabella just never messes up.. However today I was smoking meat and was giving small scraps to them and the Ferrell cats. I offered a sample to my brother standing at his Jeep at the edge of the road. Isabella was under our feet waiting for a scrap to fall all excited at the smell of the meat,. sure enough, my brother dropped a very small piece that fell in front of Isabella onto the curb and bounced into the street. In a flash reaction she was on the scrap, OFF the curb and snatched up the scrap. She was between our feet. Busted I raised my tone at her and said, You were in the road. Did you do that? following her to the porch I just pointed my finger at her saying in a calm voice, You were in the Road. when in trouble she will turn her body away and peek back at me all humble. I watched her squirm and saw clearly her eyes tearing up and getting all watery. She was actually crying for getting into trouble... I took her into my arms and comforted her but did tell her as I was comforting to stay out of the road. I know that in her expressions, she promised to not do that again... even with food in reach... Dogs are sensitive in nature and do without question get their feelings hurt. Be nice to your pets.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 05:55:56 +0000

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