{Doing a Made up Rp for Season 5 with screen shots showing Beth in - TopicsExpress


{Doing a Made up Rp for Season 5 with screen shots showing Beth in a hospital. Thats all i know so far about her re showing back on the show just not sure how long her character is lasting. So its open mainly to a Daryl you can reply on here or Inbox with a reply} Beth was confused. She opened her eyes a little fuzzy and groggy. She didnt remember much of what happened that night. All that came to mind was her and Daryl were together and she drove away when too many walkers showed up. She hoped he was Ok. She looked around and heard a monitor and turned. A Hospital? But how she thought. She felt something was wrong and sat up quick taking the IVS from her arm and swung her legs over and stood. Her legs felt shaky as she started to walk slow from the room trying to find her clothing since all she had was a hospital gown on. She used the wall for support as she entered the hallway. She heard moans from other rooms and looked in one seeing someone hooked to machines like an experiment. She looked at her arms where the IVS were and wondered what happened. She crept slowly down the corridor seeing a bed with a white sheet over something she was curious and lifted it slowly it was a person well what was left of them. She almost gasped loud and covered her mouth. She heard noise and pressed against the wall as she rounded the corner she smacked right into a woman in a police uniform. The woman grabbed her hard. Where do you think your going?Beth flinched. Let me go! She fought as the woman tryed taking her back when alarms went off. Beth pushed her hard as she fell chaos erupted and what through the doors made her panic without a look back she ran for an exit as the swarm came in some going towards the woman on the floor and all she heard were screams.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:14:39 +0000

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