Doing the same thing over again has gotten you where you are, IF - TopicsExpress


Doing the same thing over again has gotten you where you are, IF you desire change, you have to do something different. Yes, change is scary and we have all kinds of reasons for NOT applying changes in our lives. But when we reach the point that we are sick of the present condition we live and we are ready to move on, then that is when God can begin to bring about change, expansion and growth to us. It Change first begins in the heart and mind. When we desire to be better, to do better and live better and experience greater things~we have to be ready and willing to let go of the past and our present state and accept change. WE CANT GET TO THERE BY STAYING HERE! We must do something different; think differently, mediate and focus on different things. We must grab hold of a fresh new vision, dare to dream bigger, surround ourselves with people that are big and out of the box thinkers and doers, listen to encouraging words and music, be around positive and encouraging people that challenge us to open up our minds and hearts to new possibilities, be willing to examine and toss away old habits and traditions and beliefs that stifle, restrict and keep us chained and in bondage. We must desire to live free. May we find the courage to step out, be daring and adventurous. Joyce Meyer teaches that we may be afraid, because fear is paralyzing, but we must do it anyway, whatever it is we are called and desiring to do even if we are afraid. I think of Abraham and the promise God made to him about being the father of many nations. Abraham held onto that promise, he believed and though he had no idea how, when, where or what God was going to do to bring The Promise to pass, he had faith. He stepped out and believed! I encourage you today to stir up your faith, step out in that faith, believing change is on the way. If you must encourage yourself today, if no one else will, then do it! Dont give up! You may be frozen in time, paralyzed with fear of changing, you may not want to move out of your comfort zone, your current familiar situation is what you are used to, you fear the future, being alone or maybe you fear your changing will let others down or they may ridicule you for moving on, whatever it is that is holding you back from progressing and growing and being the best you can be and fulfilling your full potential for God, you got to let it go. Everyone around you may have given up, they may like and enjoy where they are, they may have settled, compromised and figured this is it, this is the best it will be, but something is stirring in your soul, you are on fire and you know that there is more, there is a whole lot more for you. Your life aint over yet, you still have breath, you still have a heartbeat, you still have a higher calling to accomplish Gods will for your life. Some people are comfortable with mediocre, with accepting second and third and last place, but you have a higher purpose, so I encourage you today to see the best is yet to come. It does get better and better and better! Spring is almost here, and with it brings the promise of more sunshine and warmer temperatures and it will thaw that which has you frozen, unable to move. Spring is a season of fresh, new birth and blooms of vibrant color and fragrances. A season for change! We have come way too far to turn back now, we must move forward. The promised land is ahead, Egypt and a life of slavery is behind! Keep moving forward. Have an incredibly, inspiring, faith and love-infused day my precious friends! You are special, called an anointed for this time of change in your life. ;0)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:08:33 +0000

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