Dolly is a member of the Holy Language tribe, following Yeshua and - TopicsExpress


Dolly is a member of the Holy Language tribe, following Yeshua and learning Hebrew! Heres her story. I am a 72 years young Mother of three married children and blessed to be Grandmother of seven, all believers in Yeshua. Bless and praise his holy name with great thanksgiving. Over the years I have worked as office help for a group of psychologist, a printing firm, a doctor of Internal Medicine, a flight attendant, wife and mother, a student of horticulture achieving an associates degree, five years working in the plant nursery business, a companion and cook for my mother-in-love , office clerk for my husband and now traveling companion and whatever called for in retirement (to me no such thing). My number one activity is study/worship time with my Abba Yah and travel, working out whatever exercise available, cooking and looking for recipes for glutten intolerance and other food sensitivities I cook around for my husband, Marvin, taking photographs of Yahs Creation, and being with family and friends and my favorite topic of conversation, the Kingdom of Yah. And another biggie, I love Israel and would move there in a heart beat. So, now you have a better idea of who Dolly is. My story began with Yah before I was born as He formed in my Mothers womb I can recall from my childhood the first time I knew there was an evil one and he was under my crib. I talked with Yah all my life and was sent to Church where I learned traditions and the fear of The Lord, but always felt myself a sinner with a black heart, no hope, rejected by myself and all others. How could anyone love such a one? So, at about the age of thirty, married with three children, I found myself alone with the TV watching Billy Graham; who I had watched before, but this time was different, I heard the invitation to pray to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I recall thinking I have never done this even though I knew who Jesus was, so got on my knees and repeated the prayer with Billy and truly my life has never been the same since that moment. I have been on a journey of reformation orchestrated by Yah, often delayed by my wrong choices, but even so, always loved. I came into Jewish Roots by way of a hunger Yah placed in my heart after returning from my first visit to Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship where revival had begun two years earlier and the World was literally flocking to that door, millions of hungry, hurting and lost. When I returned home a hunger to connect to find a Messianic fellowship would not be denied. As Yah would have two of my friends who also attended the same conference also were smitten and so we found. During that time I listened to a Christian radio station out of Greenville, South Carolina and heard an advertisement for such a fellowship in Greenville. Needless to say we were present on the next Shabbat. That is another story in itself. Sorry to say due to strife in the fellowship over the Holy Spirit that community fell apart for me. At any rate my friends knew of a Christian minister who was willing to teach us Hebrew, but that was short lived due to his indiscretion that ruined his ministry and family. Since that time I have been trucking along with all the demands of living and only in the past year has my life moved back on course; not to say I was off as Yah has used the time to refine me an ongoing process. Last year after leaving a certain denomination and wandering in the wilderness once again praying where to connect I found myself attending a loose knit fellowship of hungry seekers of the Truth, Torah and our Jewish Root, now known as Tekoa Messianic Fellowship. Yah has shaken me every way possible as He through His Torah has planted me in His Tree. I have actually felt like one that was blind coming to the Light and only my persistence in this time of reconstruction kept me. But, I know, it was not me, but Yah. During this time one of the members knowledgeable in Hebrew began a class, but it only lasted a short time as life circumstances got in the way of this instructor, so last Friday as I was walking up my driveway to retrieve the mail I thought to myself, I would really like to learn Hebrew. I knew because of my experience with Torah study that Hebrew, the mother language of Torah opened the understanding of the Word like no other. I have been like a child at Yahs Banquet Table wanting to eat it all as I was starving for more of Him. My daughter, Margy, introduced me to Pinterest in November as she thought it would be fun for me a new iPad owner. The rest is His Story. One day last week Pinterest notified me that Izzy Avraham had pinned one of my pins off of my Messianic Board and I decided to check his Boards out thinking perhaps I could find some new things. Was I in for a surprise! A mother load, a treasure chest of Hebrew resources appeared before my eyes. Due to interruptions of daily life I only pinned a couple of pins until Friday evening and then I found Holy Language Institute and the light went off in my head, I have seen this guy before. I had pinned a video from another person on Pinterest back in November and had been too busy with the demands of life and later the flu to get back. So, here I am jumping in head first, so excited, putting together a Hebrew study group with a wonderful teacher whose mission is to teach the language of Creation, Yahs language. I know I can learn. You have a story too, and the tribe would love to hear it! Share? holylanguage/story.html Get these stories in your inbox! holylanguage/news.php
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 16:10:12 +0000

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