Donald Dean Sons and daughters of AMERICA come home, your - TopicsExpress


Donald Dean Sons and daughters of AMERICA come home, your Country’s military has forgotten you. No longer are you allowed to defend yourself, come home. No longer are you fighting for freedom which is your noble cause, instead you are ordered into battle to suffer and die by a MURDERER and chief who sacrifices nothing, COME HOME . You who are willing to die like your fathers before you in defense of liberty, come home. It is not honorable to die in obedience to a man without honor, come home. The liberty you are desiring to fight for will be lost in your absence, come home to the battle field and face the enemy who demands respect he has not earned, and whose place of birth we have not learned. Sons and daughters OF AMERICA come home. Let not one more of American blood be spilled for a people whose fate long ago by G-d himself was sealed. You are a citizen of a Christian nation, not a slave to Islam, come home. Will you surrender to man your right to pray, a gift from G-d to be cast away, come home sons and daughters your oath still intact, set your sites on Washington, and take your country back. Your family and friends, they need you now, there’s danger at their door, their freedoms are being stripped away like they never have before. Come home sons and daughters just up and walk away, leave their ranks and come back home where you have the right to pray. Do not die, so needlessly, the battle ground is here, together we will take a stand and the government will fear all of those under their command when they simply say we’re done, and refuse to follow Barack Obama, then the people will have won.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:37:07 +0000

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