Done with HEALTH issues and awareness. Now lets go to POLITICS - TopicsExpress


Done with HEALTH issues and awareness. Now lets go to POLITICS shall we. Our Honorable President Noynoy Aquino is facing a trending issue in his DEFENDING SPEECH regarding the Legality of Disbursement Acceleration Program or better known as DAP. On my opinion, with respect to our Presidents AIM and GOOD INTENSIONS in the creation of such so called DAP, I really salute and commend him for that; but we should also consider the standing of our SUPREME COURTs ruling on its LEGALITY. First, we need to know that we have 3 EQUAL BRANCHES as part of our Democratic type of Government. Whereas the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary have its own functions and obligation to EVERY FILIPINOS. The SUPREME COURT only analyze and interprets ACCORDING to what the CONSTITUTION DICTATES and not what the EXECUTIVE wants to implement. It should be CLEAR to all most especially with the President and its Cabinet Secretaries. So now, if the Supreme Court says that DAP is unconstitutional, we should respect it because its their SPECIALIZATION and MANDATORY OBLIGATION to the FILIPINO Citizens that the CONSTITUTION must be uphold/carried out correctly otherwise chaos will arise and prejudice will prevail. But Im not saying that the EXECUTIVE branch are criminals and should be imprisoned because of it- NO. Because based on the statement made by the SUPREME COURT, DAP was made in GOOD FAITH. And the only thing that will save both branches from clashing is for the LEGISLATIVE to ACT and AMEND the constitution; be a mediator to both parties by asking the JUDICIARY to RECONSIDER the argument of the EXECUTIVE BODY. By summoning the latter to give the list of all the projects under the DAP and order the Commission On Audit (COA) to review every project associated with the funding of it. Then, when the report has been release thats the time the SUPREME COURT decides on the Motion for Reconsideration appealed by the President. Thus, looking into the merits if - First, there is no anomaly or graft and corruption reported on the so called beneficiary projects where every single centavos has been accounted. Second, that its SOLE PURPOSE has been served in good faith. Third, the accessibility of funds will be TRANSPARENT. With these considerations observed, I think it will be proper for the JUDICIARY BRANCH to make RECOMMENDATIONS so as the LEGISLATIVE will make amendments for the RESOLUTION on the CONSTITUTION. Resulting a harmonious relationship of the 3 branches in action and PROTECTING the interest of EVERY JUAN. Therefore, I strongly suggest that instead of promoting ALTER EGO of each branch they should go hand in hand with one another to achieve our countrys growth and success. No one should command, threaten, connive, join forces, conspire nor dictate one branch after another. Because no one should be above the other and thats the ESSENCE OF DEMOCRACY. Freedom to express ones opinion with the conviction that it does not go beyond the limit of boundaries set forth by our Constitution for the sake of CHECK AND BALANCE. Another is that, to avoid the notion of Presidents CRITIQUES that theres a WHITE WASH being cooked by the Palace for its ALEDGE CORRUPT CABINETS the EXECUTIVE should initiate a call for the FOI Bill as a priority to be passed by the LEGISLATIVE. And PNOY should keep distance on all scandals or issues concerning the appointed Cabinet Secretaries; to preserve his parents unquestionable Legacy of Integrity. Also he must show that DAAN MATUWID does not come with a rocky-bumpy road but a plain smooth road with every JUAN as BOSS and not the Few Ones only as his boss. Lastly, all of us should learn from this episode of our Political Drama by continuing to be keen observers, active commentators and protector of the constitution for the greater good of all. The key to our Countrys success are POLITICAL WILL, HELPING HAND and YOUNG PEOPLE. As our National Hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal (known to be a visionary and KAYUMANGING PROPETA) said Ang KABATAAN ang PAG-ASA ng Bayan hindi MATANDA kundi KABATAAN and not TRAPOs. Because today is a new millennium that needs new mindset, ideas and concepts to address our current problems. I made this POST not to compete, argue with the pros and antis but to express my opinion; for I believe I am entitled to it and it is my right as a democratic citizen of the PHILIPPINES.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 07:45:10 +0000

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