Donna, slowly but surely, shes dropping weight and doing better - TopicsExpress


Donna, slowly but surely, shes dropping weight and doing better after back surgery, but shes confident shell get where shes going!! Hi everyone, Im very nervous about posting these pictures but... I promised my weight loss group I would so here they are. I have a hard time seeing much difference so any feedback would be very appreciated. Feel free to use as I know there are others that lose slower too. I started my Skinny Fiber in Sept 2013, 5 days after major back surgery. You can see the incision in my back as the top and the bottoms wouldnt meet up. I used this outfit because I used to be able to wear it properly and I am going to again!!! I am an NICU RN and hurt my back at work in January and was off work, then did the 4 week WCB rehab. They said I had to go back to work because there was nothing more they could do for me. So I went back with a gradual increase in hours but never got back to full time let alone all the OT I used to work. By the end of July I could barely walk and work sent me to the Dr and I havent worked since. I had an MRI that showed a bulging disc with almost complete compression of the nerves going into my legs. Before surgery I was on handfuls of meds several times a day to control the pain. Since the injury I had gained about 25 pounds, very depressing as I know how hard it is to get it off. I kept seeing these adds for Skinny Fiber on FB, watched them for a couple months before I decided to try it. I have had weight problems all my life and have tried pretty much everything that has been made. Ive starved, worked out like a maniac. Ran a half marathon about 6 years ago and in the 4 months of training lost about ... 4 pounds, yeah, and no it didnt all turn to muscle either! So...I thought its just another one of those things but what the I ordered it. At the same time I thought I might as well become a distributor as it was only an extra $10 and WCB was paying me about 30% less than what Id been making working. So I could sure use some extra income. Within about 3-4 weeks I was off all my meds except one nerve pain pill at night and had lost that full bloated feeling along with several inches. I was not able to get out of bed or even go to the bathroom alone for the first few weeks and I used a walker, very sad. Walker was gone at the end of the first month but the Dr had very strict mobility restrictions. Basically I could walk as tolerated. Which wasnt much, you lose so much muscle laying around for months that you dont have much stamina. Today...90 days later...I still cant lift over 10 pounds or bend much or push or pull due to Drs restrictions but wow, I feel 100% better!! I have lost 12 pounds and 23.5 inches, mostly laying around. I didnt change my diet much as Ive always eaten on the healthier side. I didnt give up my glass of red wine either and still have dark chocolate stashed in the freezer, well the supply has been replenished lol! But I never missed a dose of Skinny Fiber!! I am excited about starting physio about the beginning of Feb next year and hopefully we can progress a little quicker with the weight loss. About 2 months of physio and I can start back to work. The Dr. expects a full recovery, back to before I was injured. I was so excited to hear that. In the meantime I have made over $1,000 with Skinny Fiber and I expect it to just get bigger while I get smaller I would loved to have seen results like Ive seen in other testimonials but if I can lose a pound a week doing nothing and eating basically what I like. This time next year I would be smaller than I ever have been in my life, so Im good with that. But Im sure as I become able to do more it will come off faster. Remember any PROGRESS IS PROGRESS !!! I am starting my next 90 day challenge tomorrow as I KNOW Skinny Fiber works!!! I will keep these before pics and update every 90 days. The link below is the FULL explanation of HOW and WHY Skinny Fiber WORKS when other weight loss products DONT (and you can order here)! WHOLENEWYOU.skinnyfiberplus/?SOURCE=fbT Each month supply (incl. tax) is $65.92 but you can get the buy 2 and get a free one for $127.33 but the best deal is the 3 bottles and get 3 free for $188.87. Cheaper to go in with a friend and get the free ones, you can order using the link above.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:01:28 +0000

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