Dont Blame The Grand Jury! The problem isnt the Grand Jurors - TopicsExpress


Dont Blame The Grand Jury! The problem isnt the Grand Jurors inability or unwillingness to indict cops. If youre told that youre being lied to. The problems are District Attorneys who actively protect Bad Cops. It is they who fail to seek indictments against cops who violate the people. They do it everyday. Although they arent forced to convene a Grand Jury everyday to hear a case against the police, everyday they are presented with cases and proof that calls for criminal charges to be made against a police officer, generally for perjury. Most killer cops have a history, documented or not, of violating the rights of the people and lying about it on official documents. They get away with it to a point that logic would dictate to them that they are above all laws. The Staten Island District Attorneys Office had ample evidence that the cop who killed Eric Garner was a criminal long before he murdered Mr. Garner. Yet the DA refused to charge that Officer with a crime, a matter that did not require a Grand Jury indictment to do. If a NYPD Officer is charged with felony perjury that occurred while on the job, and is convicted of that charge, he will likely not go to jail but he will certainly be terminated from employment with the NYPD, and theres not a damn thing the PBA could do about that. To stop a bad cop only requires the action of the Peoples Attorney aka the District Attorney. Yet they refused to act. At the very moment that Eric Garner was being killed on Staten Island, I was on the phone with a supervisor at the Kings County District Attorneys Office. Each DAs Office has a section that they call the Rackets Division, in that division is where they have subdivisions that are responsible for bringing criminal charges against police officers and other Government Officials. Any member of the public is allowed to make a criminal complaint against a cop through the DAs Office Citizens Action Center, where the complaint is vetted then directed to the appropriate section. The supervisor that I spoke with is the guy in charge of the Citizens Action Center. Pay close attention to what he told me at the moment that cops were murdering Eric Garner: He said the DAs Office will NEVER accept a complaint against a police officer for violating a person if the violated person is the person making that complaint against the police officer. It is not likely that I misunderstood him as I recorded that conversation and played it back several times to confirm my understanding of what he said to me. This call, by the way, was in reference to me filing a complaint against Officer Rojas, the cop that I recorded on video committing a few crimes. Using my case as an example: the DA has ample evidence, theres the video and then theres the sworn complaint against me filed in the court and prosecuted by that very same District Attorneys Office. There is concrete evidence to proves without any doubt (the highest standards of proof) that this officer committed felony perjury, on top of assault and other crimes, the District Attorney would not even need me as a witness. Yet they refuse to charge the officer and are still accepting criminal charges against people made by this officer who they know for a fact is a liar willing to make false arrest just because he can. Cops go unaccountable because of the failure of our attorneys to honor the office that we place them in. We dont elect the Police Commissioner, but we do elect the District Attorney. It is fruitless to protest the police department, and theres virtually nothing we can do to politically hold the Police Commissioner accountable. But that isnt the case with the District Attorney. They we can hold accountable. One thing we should do is amend our election laws to allow for Recall Elections of District Attorneys. This way we can get them out of office fairly quickly and easily since it would not require a citywide action. All of NYC would not have to vote out any one DA, just one county. It is misguided and illogical to protest, boycott, and block traffic yet not take back the office that belongs to you; the one office empowered to stop bad cops before they become killer cops, the District Attorneys Office.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:38:46 +0000

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