Dont Blink By Scott & Robin Neelley — 1 hour ago As you know - TopicsExpress


Dont Blink By Scott & Robin Neelley — 1 hour ago As you know by now, I’m pretty open about Hunter’s journey and the things going on with him and our family. Sometimes I probably get too detailed or not enough, other times I get too mad or just get a bit sappy. Hopefully this time is somewhere in between. Last time, Hunter was coughing up blood and having a very difficult time. He still has his ups and downs, but fortunately he hasn’t coughed up blood in over a week. His pain differs from day to day and we really never know what the day will look like until he wakes up. Speaking of waking up, we had somewhat of an emergency this morning, but it’s not what you think. Hunter vomited last night during the night at some point. Bella of course was sleeping with him and in her typical manner, she was just trying to help out and did what most dogs do when that happens. Let’s just say that she is a very good garbage disposal and likes to clean up. This is where it got a bit scary. Hunter takes enough medication to choke a horse with all of his pain, anxiety and everything else he has going on. Given that the average horse is about 1000 lbs and Bella is barely 7 lbs, that didn’t turn out so good for her. In fact, we thought we were going to lose her this morning so we rushed her to the animal emergency room. Fortunately she is going to be okay, but she will be at the doggy hospital for a day or two. Lord knows that is the last thing we need right now. Hunter was so upset and felt so guilty, even though there was nothing he could do about it. He doesn’t even remember throwing up. Moving right along, earlier this week our precious boy became a Freshman in high school while Zach started his Junior year. It’s so hard to believe as we look back at everything that has gone on. In some aspects, the last 4 ½ years have been the slowest, most grueling years of our life. In other ways, the time has flown by and both our boys have grown up so fast. I know this is something all parents can relate to. Earlier this week I was driving to work when a song came on the radio. Robin likes to give me a hard time and often asks me, “Is it a rule that you have to listen to County Music when riding in your big truck.” Well, of course it’s a rule. Country music and pick-up trucks go hand in hand. Anyway, one particular song came on as I was driving and it was just a reminder at how fast time goes by. On Friday, I received a daily devotional from “All Pro Dad” that mentioned this very song. Just funny how God works that way sometimes. Anyway, I thought I would post the song/video that made me think about how fast time goes by as we try and “Don’t Blink”. Take care and enjoy each and every precious second.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 05:35:45 +0000

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