Dont Bore Your Audience: Use the Pixar Pitch (#socialmedia - TopicsExpress


Dont Bore Your Audience: Use the Pixar Pitch (#socialmedia info) When I studied literature, I was fascinated by form. By the words. Arrangement. Layout. And narrative. I loved the way that John Fowles would create untrustworthy narrators that led the story in new, unexpected directions. And I loved Antonin Artaud’s dangerous writings. Or Christopher Barnett’s language that was so revolutionary it broke the words. I was intrigued and excited by writing that would break the language and our expectations and then reconstruct things completely new. It was a disruption to thought and expectation and it blew my mind.But the best of these writers were not rampant destroyers of meaning. They were articulate explorers pushing the limits of language and the implicit bargain that writers make with their readers. Sometimes it would work and take us – together – on new journeys. And sometimes I’d throw the book against the wall and leave it to make its own way back to the shelf. The thing is, that the best of these writers were masters of their craft – and they’d work very deliberately to take us as readers on a journey – it just so happened that the by-product of that journey would be some form of collision or catastrophe of language. And in that way, the product of the writing was not the book – but the experience. Of reading. Co-creating meaning. Disruption.So when I attend a conference, view a video or see a presentation, I look for something that is going to set my heart ablaze and send my mind wheeling. I wonder where I will be taken or how I will be surprised. And more often than not, I am disappointed.There is no narrative. No journey to follow and become involved with. It’s just facts. Numbers. And opportunities for micro-naps.It’s a slow death being hammered by statistics.But it doesn’t have to be this way.Dan Pink’s book, To Sell is Human, explains the formula deployed to great success by Pixar. It goes something like this:Once upon a time .Every day .One day .Because of that .Until finally .Now, I am not going to say that this formula will change your world. Nor that each presentation needs to be a masterpiece.But if your job is communication (and if it’s not, why are you presenting?), then do your audience a favour and wheel out the Pixar Pitch. You might just be amazed at the impact it has.PAISAN HOMHUAN / Shutterstock
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 13:09:59 +0000

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