Dont Just Love Your Queen, Appreciate Her Too. #Every Woman Is A - TopicsExpress


Dont Just Love Your Queen, Appreciate Her Too. #Every Woman Is A QUEEN! Every woman is a Queen so always make her feel beautiful, every day. Appreciate her dressing, her looks and idea. This one seems obvious. I know some of you guys do call your girl or wife beautiful names but thats not what am talking about. I don’t mean just telling a woman she’s beautiful, any guy can do that. I mean make her deeply feel, in her heart, that you think she is the most heart-wrenchingly beautiful woman you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Women are not often as confident as they come across. You need to reinforce her, no matter what. It doesn’t matter if she just got stung by a bee and her entire face is swollen like a basketball, she is still beautiful, and you damn well better act like it. It’s not just in what you say – it’s in what you don’t say. It’s in how you look at her, how you talk to her, and how you touch her. Make her feel what you don’t need to say, instead of just hearing what you do say. Listen to her when she speaks. One of the most common things you hear women complaining about is that their men don’t listen. When your girlfriend is concerned about something, talk to her and ask her how she feels. Rather than tuning her out, actually listen to what she says. It helps if you acknowledge what she is saying throughout the conversation by nodding your head or holding her hand. Surprise her. At the end of the day, the little things count. Sending flowers to your girlfriend when she isn’t expecting it is a pleasant surprise. It lets her know that you’re thinking about her. If money is an issue, do other things to surprise your girlfriend. For example, surprise her by volunteering to cook dinner. Light some candles and make it a candlelit dinner. Leave her little notes expressing how much you care about her and that you can’t wait to see her again. Your girlfriend will appreciate it. #money is not everything and dont forget money cant buy true love. Be Natural. Be honest to her all the time, why lying in the first place. Take a minute and ask yourself if it worth it. This is another big one. It may not seem like it, because honesty should be a quality that you express towards everyone in your daily life but being honest with a woman you care about will show her that you respect her enough to be straight up with her. Choose your words carefully, don’t express your honesty in a way that would hurt her feelings, but make sure she knows that she’ll get a straight answer when she comes to you for one, no matter what it’s about. Say I love you at least once a day, sometimes once every other day. If you say it too much, it stops being meaningful, and if you dont say it enough, youre not getting the point across. Say it at the right time. Learn when the right time is. Make the honeymoon a permanent thing. The beginning of a relationship is often referred to as the honeymoon period because everything seems so perfect. In most relationships, once the honeymoon period is over, reality kicks in. Make the relationship a permanent honeymoon. Don’t change how you treat your girlfriend as time goes by and don’t change your expectations about how she should treat you. From time to time, it’s a good idea to look closely at the way we treat our partner and make sure that our actions accurately convey our true feelings about her and how much we value the relationship. Here’s a list of things that should never be overlooked in a relationship. If you think I’m wrong, just ask her! Regularly express to her that you need and value her. Do things that make you laugh together. Compliment her for her special qualities and be specific. Put your arms around her when she needs comfort. Speak respectfully, don’t demean her or hurt her feelings. Give her time to be with her friends. Take regular walks hand-in-hand. Be enthusiastic over things that she’s excited about. Do something you think she wants done before she asks. Discuss changes with her first before you make them. Show interest in the relationship and the things she values. Allow her to teach you things without being defensive. Be a good listener and value what she says. Get away from the routine to spend time together. Go shopping with her without watching the clock. Make her breakfast and clean up afterward. Set specific relationship goals to achieve together Act like you are partners in all areas life. Don’t take her for granted, always be polite. Build trust into your relationship. Be supportive. Help her to achieve her goals. Be sympathetic when she’s feeling down. Do things that make her feel cherished as a woman. Respect her wishes. You may not always agree with everything your girlfriend says or does. But, mutual respect is the backbone of any healthy relationship. Speaking of backbone, respecting her wishes doesn’t mean sacrificing yours, but it does mean being willing to bend it a little bit for her. You don’t always need to get your way. Plus, you might learn something from her.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:02:29 +0000

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