Dont Let Divorce Distance You from Your Children: smart ways to - TopicsExpress


Dont Let Divorce Distance You from Your Children: smart ways to stay connected! By Rosalind Sedacca, CC This article was inspired by suggestions made by attorney Scott Stadler, a strong supporter of the Child-Centered Divorce Network. Scott suggests several good ways to stay close to your child in addition to the most commonly used resources: the telephone, e-mail message and web-cams. · Read Stories on CD: This is especially comforting for younger children. Record yourself reading a story or book in your own voice. Then pack the CDs along with your childs clothing. Be sure to buy your child a CD player that is age appropriate (consider earphones). This is an easy way for them to hear your voice on a frequent basis - even daily. In addition, you may also want to send your child the stories or books so your child can read along with you. · Magazine subscriptions: Kids love getting mail addressed to them. There are many age appropriate magazines on the market in a variety of subject areas. Make the subscription part of a special occasion such as a birthday gift. When the magazine arrives, your child will think of you. · Talk to their teacher about them. Find out what they like best in school and where they shine. Ask about projects they will be working on during the school year or trips theyll be taking. Youll have more to discuss with your child when you talk together and will feel much closer to them because youre playing a more personally involved role in their life. · Watch TV shows together. Find a TV show your child enjoys and watch it together - despite geographic or time differences. When you talk on the phone youll have something in common to discuss. It can be a great ice-breaker and open the door to laughing about incidents or serious conversation about relevant and timely parent/child topics. · Start a Collection: Encourage your child to start collecting items that are special to you both. You can add to the collection in both parents homes - or have your child move it with them, depending on the size and subject. This becomes a special connection that you two share and can talk about - even with infrequent visits All of these are creative ideas to keep your connection with your child as close and meaningful as possible. Think about other ideas of your own. Dont ever let time or distance make you feel you cant maintain your parenting bond in a positive and constructive way. Thanks to the kind of creative thinking that Scott offers, you can * * * Rosalind Sedacca, CCT, is the author of the ebook, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook(TM) Guide to Preparing Your Children -- with Love! She is also the founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network. For more information, free articles on child-centered divorce and her free ezine, go to: childcentereddivorce.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:23:18 +0000

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