Dont Try to Reason with Unreasonable People Are there people in - TopicsExpress


Dont Try to Reason with Unreasonable People Are there people in your life that you try so hard to get along with, but you somehow always leave the interaction feeling disheartened, sad, angry, or demeaned? Are there people you dread running into or spending time with because theres just something about them that strips you of your power, either provoking you into acting crazy (when you normally are quite a sane, nice-to-be-around person) or somehow always managing to make you give up something thats important to your well-being? Interacting with them might just make you feel really bad about yourself, or they may say and do things that dont sit quite right with you. Often, they have such an otherwise charming way about them that they find a way to make you laugh afterwards, or do something nice that makes you confused about which one is the real person. Most people will choose to focus on the good stuff and downplay the pathological, often at their peril. A difficult person in your life might not have a full-blown personality disorder; they may just have related traits that express themselves from time to time. It still takes a toll on your self-esteem and well-being to be around them. For the purposes of this article, heres a short list of the types of people I would lump into the unreasonable: Those you cant have a reasonable conversation with; they somehow twist your words or totally confuse you and then tell you that youre the one who doesnt know how to communicate People who make subtly or overtly demeaning comments or say cutting things to you disguised as a joke Those that dont respect boundaries and seem to enjoy stepping all over one after youve placed it The types that arent willing to consider your point of view or listen to your side of things (or just stare at you blankly, or laugh, or explode, when you try to explain how you feel) Bullies Verbal or emotional abusers (these can also range from subtle to overt) Manipulators Liars People who leave you feeling bad, sad, shaky or feeling sick in the pit of your stomach Crazymakers, a.k.a. people who provoke you into acting crazy or unbalanced (and love making you feel like theres something wrong with you when you do), when your behaviour across the rest of your life is proof that youre not The excessively charming who are too good to be true and have an ulterior motive..
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 21:00:39 +0000

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