Dont accuse me of causing division in the body of Christ when I - TopicsExpress


Dont accuse me of causing division in the body of Christ when I preach against false practices and doctrines in our midst. Im only EXPOSING whats dividing us. Yea, theres already a DIVISION! Dont you think theres a division when a Pastor says we can curse people in the name of Jesus when bible clearly says even Christ Himself didnt curse anyone? Dont you think were already divided when a party says believers will go to hell because of the use of gold, makeup and trousers when bible teaches no such mind blowing heresy? Dont you think theres already a great division when some say Jesus is coming again and some say He already came in 1914? Dont you think theres already a great division when some are still fasting and praying for the anointing, power, grace, mercy, deliverance and all when bible says we already have all these and all we need is KNOWLEDGE? I mean, we are already TOO DIVIDED! And the way to unity is not to accommodate every nonsense but to straighten our theology till it properly aligns with Gods word. If we all become united outside Gods word, were still very divided in Gods sight! Try run your home and company by accommodating all contrary opinions and lets see how you achieve your goals. You wont run your house that way but in Gods house anything goes, right? I was once in a meeting where we were told to pay offerings for the blood of Jesus to wash our sins. You think were still together? Id rather go buy ice cream than pay such an offering. Such flippant, baseless assertions! Dont ask for unity without it being hinged on the word of God. Ask for love instead because thats unconditional. So, those who know the truth should love others in spite of their contradictions and the perfect way to show that love is not to keep them in their darkness but to show them the light. Eph.4:15; But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head - Christ. Those erring must also walk in love which includes MEEKNESS to receive the truth from the word. James 1:21; Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. So the issue is not with those insisting on the truth with the right ATTITUDE but with those who have developed ITCHING EARS. And in spite of their itching ears, bible doesnt preach compromise as the way to go. 2 Tim.4:2; Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. The above is the injunction preceding the revelation of the time when men will reject sound doctrine (See next verse; 2 Tim.4:3). So, we must keep insisting on the truth and those who accept it are those who are united. It looks like many of us do not know that what we believe controls our thinking and living. We have believers living contrary to Gods standards because they have believed contrary to Gods word. My friend, its such a big deal what you believe! You can be confused or convinced, ruined or built, tossed or established, fearful or courageous based on what you believe. I mean, no one will ever live like Christ outside the sincere knowledge of God. The battle between right and wrong in the body of Christ is LEGITIMATE, NECESSARY, and GODLY. And the battle line has been long drawn by Christ Himself. Cheers!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:57:47 +0000

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