Dont allow another US instigated overthrow of a democratically - TopicsExpress


Dont allow another US instigated overthrow of a democratically elected Government. Know what is going on in Venezuela. HR 488 claims to be a bill in support of democracy in Venezuela. In fact, it is the exact opposite. The violence in Venezuela is not being perpetrated against opposition leaders and protestors. It is being perpetrated BY them - orchestrated a clique of wealthy families and military officers who have sought for decades to overthrow the populist elected government in Venezuela, by any means necessary. In Venezuela they have used election fraud and violence in elections, misleading (or deliberately false) media reports, contrived crises and economic sabotage, and murder. The Venezuelan opposition is headed most prominently by the U.S. prep school and Harvard educated Leopoldo Lopez, a scion of one of Venezuelas wealthiest families. Ditto for Maria Corina Machado, who founded the non-profit Sumate, a major recipient of US regime-change funding. Or take retired General Angel Vivas who tweeted instructions to opposition followers on how to neutralize the criminal hordes by stringing taunt wire across roads, which could (and have) decapitated people.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:04:54 +0000

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