Dont ask me why Im doing this but I am. I got 10. Random and - TopicsExpress


Dont ask me why Im doing this but I am. I got 10. Random and pointless things about me: 1. Being a pastor is actually something I have thought about since I was six. However, due to a mental disorder that makes speaking to people (one-on-one or to an audience) very difficult at times, I have constantly put it off out of fear of inadequacy. Since then I have pursued being a music composer, a psychologist, a criminal profiler, and a doctor. In that order. However, God has made it clear that pastorship is where He wants me and that His sufficiency will cover all my insufficiencies, and my heart has never been so full. 2. I am a huge nerd. I love academics as a whole and can be just as satisfied doing mathematics, physics or chemistry as writing a paper or studying philosophy, theology, etc. Im the kind of person who still does math or writes for fun in my free time. Yeah. 3. Im double majoring in Psychology and Sociology and minoring in World Religions. I plan on graduating in 3 years and then high-tailing it to a Seminary where I will pursue ordination in the Baptist church and a Ph.D in Theology to lead to me being a senior pastor. 4. I like penguins way too much. And ducks, so long as they are rubber. Its kind of a problem. 5. I have Celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that makes my body attack itself when I have gluten. Digestive exposure to gluten will result in me having the biological inability to absorb nutrients. Cest la vei de Dieu. 6. The teachers and headmaster(s) Ive had in high school have greatly impacted me as a student, person, and leader. And without God using them in my life I am sure, without a doubt, that I would not be where I am today academically, spiritually, or as a thinker. For each one of them I am eternally grateful. 7. I dont think I wore long-pants 10 times in my four years of high school. I just hate pants and I have always worn shorts. But now, much to my horror, I am having to get used to the former. 8. I have a huge, personally overwhelming love for people. I dont care who they are: friend or stranger. People are my love and passion. I want so much to see the pain of people healed, their longings satisfied, their sorrows alleviated, and their joy infinitely elevated. Investing and pouring into others through God and by the grace of God is what I live for. As such, I am a firm believer in the significant importance of discipleship and mentorship. Im also a firm believer in hugs, and they are my favorite medium of affection. Get used to it. 9. One of my biggest dreams in the entire world is to start a family. 10. I want to write many books. Fiction and non. I have about 6 books that I already have the basic framework for and that I write when more ideas come to me throughout the day. Some, by their subjects nature, will have to be completed when I am older and have more life experience. Been lovin learning all these cool things about my friends on here.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 23:52:02 +0000

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