~Dont be scared of suffering and death. Dont scroll away! I dare - TopicsExpress


~Dont be scared of suffering and death. Dont scroll away! I dare you to read on.~ ...Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? He said to him, Yes, Lord; you know that I love you. ...He said to him the third time, Simon, son of John, do you love me? Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, Do you love me? And he said to him, Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you. Jesus said to him, Feed my sheep... In the Gospel, our Lord Jesus Christ wasnt just asking for Simon/Peters proof of love. Jesus Christ our Lord was having a serious conversation with Simon/Peter. He was telling Simon/Peter that he must step up and face a greater challenge that will purify his love for God and this will happen through his suffering and death... a similar death to that of our Lord Jesus Christ... a death on the cross. Hearing about suffering and death, we are easily frightened and feel like weaklings. Dont scroll away! Read on! I dare you. We are not weaklings if we have faith in God. When Jesus Christ our Lord asked Simon/Peter if he loved Jesus for the third time, Simon/Peter grieved. Simon/Peter grieved for he was unsure what, exactly was our Lord Jesus Christ was trying to ask or say to him. Do you love me? This is one of the many questions that we ask from our loved ones. And as many times as weve been told, I Love You!, we tend to forget how such meaningful words equate to so much love thats already been given to us and we still ask for more... more proof of it. Its easy to say, I love you!, but often times its truly hard to prove it... specially when the one asking for it has too many demands and expectations. This is based upon our human natures type of wisdom. When we fail to understand, we grieve, we get confused, we feel insecure and often times we panic and do unnecessary things out of fear and desperation. We make our situation bad to worse. Fear not! You still have a brain that functions. Use it! Begin by being patient and kind to yourself and to the persons around you. Your still have your faith in God, even when you think you are at fault and guilty of failing to understand. Remember that God is patient and kind. Seek Gods patience and kindness. Pray for Gods patience and kindness! Dont panic! Dont make any rush decisions and choices. If you have to make a choice. Choose God! Have faith. And cling on to it. God will provide. Let us help each other pray for the grace of patience and kindness to live and reign in us. May God send us His peace that we may be able to serve Him and follow His will without drowning ourselves in doubt and fear of the unknown, Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:10:26 +0000

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