Dont believe in Providential Guidance? Read on. Received an - TopicsExpress


Dont believe in Providential Guidance? Read on. Received an email this morning from a supplier regarding a booking about which we knew nothing. Stop by the office on the way over to visit with Sherries dad, planning to stop by the office on the way back, but decide to do so on the way over instead. Call the client involved, step into a buzz saw, work through that, and head out. As we exit, guy walking in says Is there a travel agency in this building?, carrying a direct mail piece we sent out. Yes, thats us. Come on in. We go back in the office. Short version - its an ongoing opportunity for substantial amounts of business because the agency the prospect had been working with was too busy to help him. Thirty seconds - no - fifteen seconds one way or the other and we dont encounter this person. While were there, the phone rings, Sherrie goes to take a look at whos calling, comes back and mentions caller ID info on the caller. File that away. Leave the office, go over to Sherries dads apartment, visit, suddenly realize in heart stopping terror that the person that called was a client with a booking that may not have been paid off yesterday. Go back to the office, call the supplier, the booking is cancelled and the ship is sold out. Kindly agent gets a supervisor to intervene, were able to reinstate the booking and pay it off. LITERALLY - a period of a few seconds in the case of the new prospect, stepping away from the prospect to check caller ID, and realizing what had not happened a few minutes later meant more than I can explain. God watches out for dummies and old people. If youre two for two, it helps. To any reading this who believe life is a random choice crap shoot - private message me and Ill explain why it isnt.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 22:10:30 +0000

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