Dont forget that the Dems dont believe in a market system for any - TopicsExpress


Dont forget that the Dems dont believe in a market system for any product or service. That is coming out of the hearings. Nice to see a leftist academic put his foot in his mouth. Insurance is only good as the number of players in the market to serve. Picture this: Soviet Russia or Maoist China. Oh yeah-theres insurance but who is treating-you lose quality. Todays politicians can access Sloan Kettering or the Mayo Clinic. How many of us can? The point Im making that Dems are trying to equal the playing field, theyre not. Some people are inevitably more equal than others. Gruber is Shakespeare Falstaff-first hes the architect when he gets introduced at speeches, now hes not an expert at politics. The theme of Obama stuff-lack of transparency-he believes the ends justify the means. I predict the ACA will fall by June.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:22:15 +0000

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