Dont forget tomorrow is Election Day--make sure you get out to - TopicsExpress


Dont forget tomorrow is Election Day--make sure you get out to vote!! Also try to be as educated as you can on the issues. Corbett may not be the most exciting governor but there are a few facts Tom Wolf doesnt want you to know or remember: --When Corbett took office, he was faced with a $4.2 Billion deficit left by Ed Rendell. Corbett had to make tough decisions to get the state budget back on track. By the way, Tom Wolf was part of Rendells staff that gave us that large deficit. --Corbett did not cut education spending as mentioned in almost every Tom Wolf ad--it was federal stimulus dollars that were temporary--money taken by Rendell, but went away after Corbett was in office. This years budget has the highest amount ever spent on education. (BTW, throwing money at education is not always the usually doesnt get spent on the Rendells administration there were a lot of upper level administrators added.) --School districts may have to raise local taxes (mentioned in the ads) but it has nothing to do with Corbett at all. The tight budgets have everything to do with their legally binding contributions to the pension fund. The percentage increases each year for the next several years. Talk to anyone on your local school boards and theyll verify this. This was signed into law by Tom Ridge but didnt go into effect until 2-3 years ago (right around the time the stimulus money was gone. By the way, that stimulus money added to the almost $18 Trillion deficit our country now has.) --Tom Wolf would have you believe the drilling companies pay no taxes. Theyve paid several billion in taxes...more in PA than in the state of WV. They also pay an extraction fee, but that fee is kept by the local municipalities, it doesnt go to the state. If you tax them more, theyll either stop drilling--taking the taxes they do pay with them, along with all the jobs...or theyll pass along the increase to all of us. When companies are taxed, the consumer ends up paying for it. Therefore, its a non-direct tax on all of us. --The one thing Wolf has been honest about is that hell raise the state income tax. For most of us, our taxes would go up 180%. Im guessing most would rather not pay more taxes and think we can make better decisions on what to do with our money than the state government. --When Wolf sold his family company, he made millions and left investors with losses, including PA retirees. When he bought the company back, he kept the incorporation in Delaware to ensure not paying any state taxes in PA. (And he complains about the gas companies.) These were just a few highlights. Just know what youre voting for when you vote!! But most importantly VOTE!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 01:16:42 +0000

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