Dont join them PROVERBS 1:10-19 My child, if sinners entice - TopicsExpress


Dont join them PROVERBS 1:10-19 My child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them! They may say, “Come and join us. Let’s hide and kill someone! Let’s ambush the innocent! Let’s swallow them alive as the grave swallows its victims. Though they are in the prime of life, they will go down into the pit of death. And the loot we’ll get! We’ll fill our houses with all kinds of things! Come on, throw in your lot with us; we’ll split our loot with you.” Don’t go along with them, my child! Stay far away from their paths. They rush to commit crimes. They hurry to commit murder. When a bird sees a trap being set, it stays away. But not these people! They set an ambush for themselves; they booby-trap their own lives! Such is the fate of all who are greedy for gain. It ends up robbing them of life. How often are we enticed by our associates to take an aberrant, quick route to prosperity? How often are we eager to go along, especially since it makes us feel like one of the crowd? Often we operate from a place of anxiety about our immediate survival – The pressures from the world around us create a constant impression that we are about to be crushed. We know this to be a lie. “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.” – John 10:10 “But when we go along with others and refuse to listen to the truth, our own appetites become our masters, and we’ll do anything to satisfy them. Sin, even when attractive, is deadly. We must learn to make choices, not on the basis of flashy appeal or short-range pleasure, but in view of the long-range effects. Sometimes this means steering clear of people who want to entice us into activities that we know are wrong. We can’t be friendly with sin and expect our lives to remain unaffected… Being “greedy for gain” is one of Satan’s surest traps. It begins when he plants the suggestion that we can’t live without some possession or more money. Then that desire fans its own fire until it becomes an all-consuming obsession. Ask God for wisdom to recognize any greedy desire before it destroys you. God will help you overcome it.” – QVLAB “The Man died who keeps silent in the face of tyranny.” – Wole Soyinka “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 06:08:17 +0000

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