Dont judge a book by its cover II Pregnant. Morning sickness - TopicsExpress


Dont judge a book by its cover II Pregnant. Morning sickness for 16 weeks. Just as she got over that, the baby grew larger and because of structural problems that caused the baby to be tilted the wrong direction, as the baby grew so did the pain. She started being unable to walk for 20 minutes. She used to love to exercise. She could not exercise nor walk for long distances. One day she took a walk and the rib pain was so bad that she bent over the toddlers pram and wept, praying that someone driving past would have pity on her and take them home. That prayer was not answered. She walked home, every step excruciating. As the baby grew, the lower back pain caused by this. The back pain became hip pain too. Her husband would feel terrible about going to the shops with her because of how much pain she would be in and how he felt as if people would think he was forcing her to walk. She would walk a few minutes, and sit down on the nearest bench in pain. Eventually she could not exercise any more, though she tried. Walking was virtually impossible. She could not even stand for 5 minutes to cook without the tears flowing down caused by agonising rib pain. it felt as if someone was pushing on her bones, pushing outwards. She would lie down. It wouldnt help. She would try to walk for exercise but the back and hip pain were unbearable. Every step felt like a sharp needle entering her spine and piercing her leg. But she grinned and bore it. At church people would tell her, Wow, pregnancy suits you, you look so strong. Little knowing that she was thinking, If this mothers room was empty, I would be lying down on this sofa and letting the agony out, but I dislike attention and so Ill smile along with you. When her husband would be busy at church, she would carry their little toddler on her back, ignoring the back pain and the pain caused by the unborn one. The whole service, she would be in pain but nobody knew. She used to be active. Now each movement was torture. But she never told a soul except her husband and a friend. Why should she? She had sought help before but had received none. Finally, the days of virtual inactivity ended. She gave birth. The rib cage pain and back pain subsided. She was finally able to walk, to exercise for longer periods without excruciating pain. The 18 kilograms she gained during that painful time of inactivity went away. A mother from church said to her, Whew NOW you look better. When you were pregnant you ou were not yourself. At least now youve lost the weight and youre back to the Thandi we know.Those fat cheeks just did not suit you. My friend was absolutely gobsmacked on my behalf. Does she not care to know what you went through all those 9 months? How can she make such an uncaring comment? We will never know till heaven, the troubles that people went through. We cannot know until then, what they are hiding behind their bonhomie. Then maybe, we will understand why they were the way they were. And this is in regards to not only to looks, but emotionally too.~Thandi
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:13:53 +0000

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