Dont let this world stop you Giving to the Lord’s Work, - TopicsExpress



Dont let this world stop you Giving to the Lord’s Work, especially this Christmas. Everybody likes the idea of generosity. But when it comes down to writing the check, there always seem to be so many extenuating circumstances. Which one are you? We have insufficient savings. We do not agree with the church’s spending priorities. The tithe does not apply to us today. It’s my money. I earned it. My giving is a private matter between God and me, no one else. The Bible is about religious and moral issues, and not about money at all, let alone charitable giving. The Bible commands us to give in secret, so we shouldn’t be talking about this. The tithe does not apply to Christians today, only to Old Testament Israel. Christians are under grace, not under law, so the obligation to give does not apply to me. The Bible says that each man should give what he has decided in his own heart to give. So I am free to give as much or as little as I choose, even not at all. I’m saved, so it doesnt matter how much I give, or even whether I give at all. God loves a cheerful giver, but I am not cheerful about giving, so it’s better not to give at all. I don’t owe God anything. I don’t owe my church anything. I don’t owe the poor anything. Giving would chip away at my investments, and that would be bad stewardship. Giving would deplete my savings, and that would be bad stewardship. Giving would subject me to tax liability, and that would be bad stewardship. If I were to give to the church, it would only contribute further to the greed and corruption among church leaders. I would like to give, but my spouse does not share my desire to give. I don’t have the spiritual gift of giving. There’s a good chance my donation would be misappropriated or wasted. My donation will only encourage the poor to rely on handouts, rather than earn a living for themselves. God doesnt need my money. The church doesnt need my money. I don’t agree with how my church might spend the money. I don’t agree with my church’s teachings. I’m not going to support my church’s endowment because that money just sits there. My pastor/priest ought to get a day job, like the apostle Paul; that’s a more biblical way to minister. Money is the root of all evil; it has no place in the church. I’m only one person. My gift is no good if no one else is giving. I Can’t Give I am up to my ears in debt. I cannot give now. I have more than I need. But I am not prepared to live like a pauper. I have spent a lifetime securing my financial independence. I can’t throw it all away now. I would like to give, but I’d have to work another job or drastically cut back my standard of living. We would give, but we are a young couple with no nest egg. We would like to give. But we are only a few years from retirement, paying for two kids in college, and have very little saved. Next year I have a promotion coming. We will give then, but right now the budget is pretty tight. I’m too young to give; I really just need to focus on being a student. I am in the lower or middle income bracket. Giving is really the responsibility of wealthy people. I’ll leave some money in my will. But I can’t give right now. My financial advisor says I shouldn’t give anything this year. I’ve Given Enough Already I am already a generous person. I already tithe; that’s all God requires me to give. I already tithe out of my paycheck; I can’t afford to tithe out of my gross income. I already tithe out of my income; my assets are my safeguard. I already gave at the office. I don’t give to my church because I already give to another ministry. Stewardship is a lot more than money. I give my time and talents by teaching Sunday school and opening my home. I consider that to be my giving. Ive already given more than enough in the form of taxes. As long as I don’t misuse, waste or steal money, it doesn’t matter whether I give. I don’t give to the poor because I already give to my church. Ive already maxed out my tax deductions for this year. My gifts won’t count until next year, so I’ll give then. Small gifts don’t really matter. No one ever seems to appreciate my gift.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:11:11 +0000

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