Dont make me loose my faith in you!!!! Anwar, this is not the - TopicsExpress


Dont make me loose my faith in you!!!! Anwar, this is not the time to gain politic cheers. You should offer your expert opinion on the more pressing matter about the foreign attempt to undermine our land. Tho its not made public but we know the treat is imminent and they are here to stir their poison soup before feeding public with all the false hope and ill intention to hijack sovereignty! Regardless #Najib #RM #PKR #BN is just the small part in #Malaysia. Malaysia is our land and we shall protect it no matter what. Dont encourage anasir jahat and dont you ever tambah perisa semata untuk kebaikan pilihanraya kecil. If you do love this country you should show us that you are capable to be next to lead and prevent the inevitable geopolitical forces from working their way in. Malaysia internal affair is our business, no need for you to condone the known evil and give blessing for their hidden agenda so that you can climb up. Otherwise you would just another tin kosong.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:06:16 +0000

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