Dont normally share these things over here, but what the heck? Im - TopicsExpress


Dont normally share these things over here, but what the heck? Im in the business of helping people! Today is a really big day for our little family. Some of you know a little bit about my story. When I found out I was pregnant, I was working a very demanding job in the real estate industry, and once my daughter was born we made the decision for our family that I would leave my high paying job to stay home. It was scary. Really scary. We had no plan, but I trusted the voice inside me telling me that I was meant for more. I didnt have to work for someone else and miss all of the important moments with my family. Moments that no money can buy back. We spent a year completely strapped. Government assistance. Barely making it by. I had found three families to work for, nannying and having my daughter with me. It saved our family. But it still wasnt enough for us to even cover our bills. I knew the time was coming and that I was going to have to do SOMETHING. Or we were headed for some even scarier times. Then, one sunny June day I saw my coach Paige attending a Beachbody event in Las Vegas. I saw everything I needed. Health, happiness, freedom to be with my family, something to give me drive and push me (outside of my role as a mother and wife), and I told Paige that I WOULD be there in Vegas in 2014. Well, I sit here in tears today because not only am I going to Vegas in June, but today I officially let go of that last but of fear, and gave notice to the last family Im still working for. To be 100% self employed, and be with my family. Ive been hanging on to this last crutch, but I know that my team and this cause need my undivided attention. In nine short months, Ive wiggled my way into the top 100 coaches in the company, am halfway to my goal of a six-figure income within a year, my life is rich with people pushing to live healthier lives- and help others get healthy, Ive reconnected with hundreds of old friends and family, Im in the best shape of my life, and Im looking forward to two paid vacations in the next year! And thats only the beginning. I am determined to use my time paying it forward and helping others achieve the same level of freedom. To say its changed my life is the understatement of the century. Was I skeptical? Absolutely. But something in me said just DO IT. Whats the worst that could happen? To celebrate this big day for my family, I thought WHAT BETTER WAY to celebrate than to extend the opportunity to FIVE individuals READY to light their lives UP with passion and a fire you wont even believe. I will be messaging and interviewing those interested this week, and those lucky five people will start my new coach training Monday, April 7th. What do you say? Are you ready? Just comment below or send me a private message for more info :) I look forward to working with Y O U! ✨✨✨
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:48:57 +0000

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