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Dont read if you hate long posts and are sick of conspiracy theories about Flight MH370. My thoughts on possibilities for MH370. To start with, all stories about fire on the plane have to be discounted - at the very first sign of a problem, all pilots and co-pilots would call in a mayday, and we know the radio was still working but no mayday was called in. Also, at the first sign of trouble, passengers would make contact with loved ones using sat. phones, etc. and none was made. At ANY change in flight plan, the pilot must call in the changes to flight control - whether theyre changing course because of a storm or an on-board fire or systems problem or anything else, they have to call it it. The course was changed long before that All right. Good night call was made, so the radio was working AFTER the course change and they didnt call the change in. So, from those two facts alone, you have to discount any thought of fire or pilots turning back because of a problem, etc. All you have to do to make sense of the whole scenario - every bit of it - is to factor in a tonne or even up to ten tonnes of gold in the cargo. China is a huge buyer of gold on the world market - thats common knowledge - and it seems that many commercial planes going in to China carry gold, and every now and then a large shipment must go in. That would explain why the captain made that phone call an hour or so before the flight to the mobile number that had been bought with fake ID but hadnt been used for other calls - a this is it call. Gold may not appear on the manifest as gold but nothing else will weigh that much for so little space, so the loading staff and the captain will have a list of X number of small pallets or skids weighing a tonne each, and the small dimensions will identify it as gold - they need to know weights and dimensions for correct loading of the plane. For that amount of gold, a big plan could be put in to play, including things like testing a computer program that could fly the plane, including a single take-off, and that explains why the captain deleted so much stuff off his flight simulator which is a copy of the plane he was flying. You might need extra helpers on board and, unlike Qantas and most U.S. and European airlines, deadhead crew on Asian airlines dont necessarily appear on passenger lists. So two people with fake ID could turn up at the airline and ask for a lift to China and, as employees of the airline, they get to sit for free in the two deadhead seats in the cockpit with no record of them being there. You would need to disable all passengers and the rest of the crew in seconds once the plan was put in motion - anything that took even minutes would result in passengers getting I love you and Help calls out on phones and internet devices and satellite communication devices. The fact that no calls went out also indicates that there wasnt a fire - if there was smoke, any passenger with a sat. phone would be calling loved ones. The need to disable all passengers and other crew instantly, explains why the plane went to 45,000 feet when it shouldnt have - disable oxygen and depressurize at that height, and no one will get calls out... only those with independent oxygen supplies will survive at that height. As soon as I heard that the plane went up to 45,000 feet for 23 minutes after changing direction, the first thing I thought of was that they did that to kill everyone on board quickly so that they couldnt get calls out. Now look at the Rolls Royce engines - every one of these planes in the world using these engines has aircraft engine monitoring systems in place - a stream of information going back to Rolls Royce about engine performance, and that can be used to locate them. This information is yet to be updated, but it looks as though this system was disabled before the plane took off - not 100% on that, but it does seem as though the Rolls Royce system was known about and disabled to prevent tracking - if a captain was just committing suicide, or hijackers were just going to crash the plane, they wouldnt bother doing that, or many of the other things such as disabling the other tracking systems. So, now you have a plane that has turned without a mayday or change of course being called in, it goes to 45,000 feet for enough time to kill all passengers and crew without independent oxygen, then disappears off radar. It could easily be landed somewhere and have the gold removed and then a computer program that has been tested on a simulator could be used used for one unmanned take off and navigation to a remote, windy, difficult to access part of the Indian Ocean where it can be crashed so that, even if wreckage is discovered, it is unlikely that the black box will be found. Factor in gold and it all makes sense. Without the gold there are too many unanswered questions. Why did the captain ring that mobile phone before this flight when the mobile wasnt used for other calls and had been bought with fake ID? Why did the plane turn without calling in a mayday or course change even though the radio was still working? Why did the plane go up to 45,000 feet for 23 minutes? How come no passenger used their communication devices to call out even though families reported the devices were still working as they were ringing after the plane was reported missing but not answering? Why were all on-board tracking and communication devices turned of systematically prior to that All right. Good night. call? Why werent the Rolls Royce engines sending their usual stream of information from the time they started so there was nothing left on board to give an exact location? What were the programs deleted from the captains simulated cockpit of this plane in his home? Why arent the airlines releasing information regarding the cargo of this plane despite repeated questioning? I wont go TOO conspiracy mad - some good, old fashioned gold robbery explains it. BUT... if you like a really good conspiracy, more than just a mad pilot or a fire or worlds best gold robbery and you wanted to go all CIA crazy and, they were looking for something to occupy the media while the U.S.-Russia crisis was escalating far beyond what the public realised, then you can factor in Diego Garcia. Havent heard of Diego Garcia? Id never heard of it until this plane went missing and I was scanning the Indian Ocean on Google Earth and found this little jewel... take a close look. If you love a good CIA conspiracy and want to link one to this plane, then look no further than Diego Garcia as a landing strip... Ill put the Google Earth link to Diego Garcia in the first comment, showing a close up of the planes at the edge of a landing strip. Scroll out and have a good look around Diego Garcia - fascinating place. I had to edit it out of this post as people are trying to share the post but the words dont come up, only the map of Diego Garcia. Leanne Owens
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:12:15 +0000

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