Dont reflect the problems ,we never agreed with, we are not that, - TopicsExpress


Dont reflect the problems ,we never agreed with, we are not that, that is not us. Dont ever become what destroyed you, the ones who hurt you have been hurt. Remember that pain from you past? Im going to tell you a hurtful truth here and I wan to say sorry ahead of time. However it must be said, I know you went through it so long and you kept it to yourself because you felt know one would understand.But the ones who hurt where going through something to and the truth is they where just reflecting and playing out what happened to them. the same abuse, thats how the sickness of the mind spreads through out generations. we become what we hate!! Let that go, it has no power over your life. You are not that, wait dont loose yourself. Those who have hurt you might have moved on, but you give them power over your life by not forgiving n forgetting. An the haunting memory gives you nightmares, and you carry it with seeing the same pattern in everyone you meet. This gives power of all the wrongful acts where not necessarily the people rule your world but the action of it does. It is the biggest weight of your shoulders when you face it and there will always be blame n resentment if we dont, playing the poor old me pity party. Let us be free from the mind and the cage built around the heart, let us be open and truthful to who and what we really are. My mind was broken I need to put a cast around it and let it heal, casting the old broken thinking off and now that a new understanding has come. I do not leave on the cast as a friend said, otherwise it will be infected. So i opened my mind and released my understanding and gave my awareness to the recollection of a loving Father who made me and seen the beauty of all life through it. My heart was broken a thousand different ways and I put a cast around it and it hardened and protected me, until the act of not knowing love made me cold and bitter, to where i lost my tears and had no remorse. So one day I decide to remove that cast, that I dont need to protect myself from love and the pain of those who cant love. So I removed the cast, that hardened my heart, I left it on to long and i was infected. Emotions I had know control over where wild and untamed, a big ball of sobbing unstable energy. I wore my heart on my sleeve and it hurt man, for a long time. Then I started seeing beauty and need for love, it calmed me, tempered me, it made me gentle enough to listen and bottled up rage and resentment disappeared , It became a lot easier to love and more worth it to be open to hurt. Because all of it makes you beautiful anyways and has really cause a lot of growth in my life. I put a cast on how I feel and who I am to protect myself from judgment, ridicule and resentment. because I wasnt strong enough to handle the attacks, but it closed myself up and stored everything in my mind and built a prison there in my imagination ruled me as well as my thoughts and I was lost in self and this made me hate the world and be reckless and it hardened my heart to wear i could not feel and I was numb and cold. This was a teenage phase that took almost a decade to heal from. Why? Cause I left the cast onto long and it became a crutch that almost crippled me and I was infected. I have to be open and cast off who I am daily by expression and have to be open and let out who god made me to be cause it can not be contained. Meditation is a great way to heal and get away from the problems and the thoughts of the mind and all emotions, but it is a cast of protection to heal from a dysfunctional life and bring you to the center of who you are. I have seen many leave on the cast and use meditation as an escape from the world and this can be a crutch that can infect are mind from reality and love. we must use meditation as prayer of connecting with source as to live a waking meditation where we find peace in quieting the mind in any situation to have clarity to resolve any issues. Its not an excuse to escape but a tool to strengthen. All tools of healing are useful but if we leave the medicine onto long it no longer serves us but hurts us because we build immunity towards it, by are adaptable nature and then what will heal us actually can make us sicker spiritually. We have to find a healthy balance and learn to release and be open to face things, bringing are practice in the world and not a way of escaping from it. sometimes a problem can be a solution and what we seen as wrong can actually turn to be a constructive characteristic we had to learn from and find out its deficiency so we could use all ability properly in our life. We live to grow in self and adapt to our surroundings, being of use to world we live in. You are healed to heal others, through your experiences you can help many, your not of the world anymore. You have been finally tuned and now the world needs that example. Cause so many are in need of healing, please dont cast yourself off from the world who needs you. All said in love in humility, this what I was and so I share with all of you
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:42:53 +0000

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