Dont take my word do sum homework... THE MOORS OF NORTH, - TopicsExpress


Dont take my word do sum homework... THE MOORS OF NORTH, SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA REFERRED TO AS BLACK, LATINO, AFRICAN, INDIAN AND WEST INDIAN ETC. Direct to the Point: The above labels were coined to conceal the true identity of the moors by their conquerors. Just as Neapolitan attempted to hide the Moorish features. This was the origination of the 21 gun salutes. We perpetuate this like we tell our children that the devil is beneath the earth and god is in the heaven. We play this up like the myth of Santa Clause. We keep a lie going and it passes on through generations. Black- is not a nationality nor does it relate to a nation of people. There NEVER was a black nation, black flag or a people that claimed to be of Black descent. If you look up the word in the dictionary it denotes everything that harms. Well you might say, ‘you mean the white man dictionary’? You are a fool. The only language an African American often knows is the language he/she was taught. In this case ‘black’ does not denote a national origin. Negro-You are not a Negro or colored person because these words were used in a derogatory manner that humiliated the dark skin people and also the word does not denote a national origin or descent line. The Portrait of Delia, American born slave. Yes, this is a Moor and a true picture of one of our sisters that was subject to slavery. The next few pictures may disturb you. But you must know of certain conditions that were processed to break your spirit, deprive you of your Moorish birthrights and make you a subject of the state. A - Branding Slaves on the Coast of Africa Previous to Embarkation by Nathaniel Currier, 1845 B - Wilson Chinn, a branded slave from Louisiana, also exhibiting instruments of torture used to punish slaves C - Domestic females slaves Zanzibar Ethiopian- You were not Ethiopians because it means the demarcation line of a geographic location. The correct name was Abyssinia. You now call yourself African American. Really? Scipio Africanus captured a Spanish Moor whom he named the continental after. Indian- This word derives from indigo, colored stained or died. This is what Christopher Colombo named the moors and by tribal names to conceal the true identify of our bloodline. This was a deal between the Popes, kings and Queens written in the law of conquest. If you know any these moors referred to as Indians they will tell you that they are not Indians but that is what the white man calls them. Latin- Dominican, Spanish or Puerto Rican. - The Spanish were European Descendants that also were following The Law of Conquest. They conquered the aboriginals of the portion of the land, killed off the Black, Brown, yellow and Red People, mixed their blood and after generations produced a light shade. This is called grafting in modern times. This is why the KKK did not want to Mix with Moorish Blood or Jewish (Moreno’s) because they would be the minority like in 2012. Now don’t think there were no dark moors with the Spaniards. They were there but under Christian names better known as Moriscos or Moros. It’s just like many of you claim African descent but your name is Kevin, Carol, John, Bob and Susan. Some so- called Africans have an African name but when they work in this Christian society they have a European name. You see, everyone has selected to keep the lie alive, even you. If you ask the majority of a person that call themselves Africans they will tell you there English name.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 07:42:31 +0000

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