Dont want to disrespect the dead but Joan Rivers seems to have - TopicsExpress


Dont want to disrespect the dead but Joan Rivers seems to have died a long time ago.Her disdain for her fellow human beings did not make me laugh.Her views on the murder of palastinian children was not funny.Yes she had to have some lines that made you titter slightly but it was more of a furtive snigger than a gaffaw.Sorry but just being nasty to other people is only funny for a while, then it just becomes insulting but not just to the target.It was comedy for the unfeeling, and if you can see hungry children everywhere but spend most of your money on plastic surgery that makes you look ever more rediculous, then you would have lost a lot of feeling in your heart as well as your face.Yes i am putting the boot into a dead old lady but she spent her entire life putting her boot into other people, constantly seeking the weak for redicule, sorry but the coverage was making me sick, the way the murdoch press is lionizing this woman who epitemized the greed and viciousness that have become the badge of all her tribe.Her comedy was based on the destruction of other human beings and i never found her funny although her referal to someone as having childbearing lips made me titter slightly but only because of the negative feelings i already had towards her victim.She appealed to the negative in people and while that is perfectly legitimate , it cannot sustain laughter over the long term and she was here for ages.People tended to laugh out of embarrassment and fear of becoming a target.I am not mourning her this morning, no i dont even know her but i do mourn the death of human kindness and empathy. the fact that she is a legend speaks volumes for what we find funny, plenty of people manage to be funny while bringing some love in the world but her views on black people and palastinians made me laugh not at all.They call her contraversial which is Holliwood for downright nasty. She was proud of that but tell me: amongst all the footage being relayed constantly, how many of them have really made you laugh?. exactly. Now get that woman off my tv mr murdoch.It was comedy without empathy without humanity it was really just abuse.Sorry but you had eighty one years to make me laugh but a slight titter is not the stuff of comedy legends. I remember a poem from the seventees scrawled on a toilet wall: here i sat broken hearted i paid my penny but only farted yes you get me now?i felt like that every time i gave Joan Rivers time to make me laugh.She may have been many things but funny wasnt one of them.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:35:33 +0000

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