Dont waste your money on this movie if you are expecting it to - TopicsExpress


Dont waste your money on this movie if you are expecting it to depict Biblical truths...The real story of Noah, as written in the Bible would have been an excellent movie. I never realized what a truly great man Noah was until I actually read the bible. Now Hollywood feels they have to rewrite it so it doesnt offend non-Christians? They didnt market it that way to religious organization BEFORE the movie was release. They didnt APOLOGIZE after it was released when it was discovered that this Noah movie had little to do with the true biblical history, and nothing to do with God and Faith. No i havent seen it and refuse to be a statistic taking up space in a movie theater, even if my ticket was free. I have great respect for some that did see it and have shared the TRUTH regarding the real agenda behind this hollywod fiction. Rewriting the Bible is not entertainment. Theres plenty of fictitious names and events they could create instead ! DO NOT diminish the integrity of such a great man as Noah, who sacrificed his life and put all his faith and trust in GOD. --- from a viewer:)
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 16:08:04 +0000

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