Dont worry be happy @ all people who seems to be worrying - TopicsExpress


Dont worry be happy @ all people who seems to be worrying about the near future of this planet: Why i do not give a shit about complot and apocalypse doom scenarios Wheter it be a illuminati or shadow governement agenda driven NUCLEAR thirld world war, a kill shot from the heavy flaming sun, chaos by astroids or Aliens, a polar shift caused by an approaching planet x/ niburu. EBOLA, Plague from Madagascar Rats or whatever new virus founds its way First off all these scenarions appears to be contradictory Second : fact is 50.000 people are dying DAILY on TBC, malaria,cancer, Hiv/aids diarea ( poluted water), hunger - lack of food, Maybe we should redifine the term epidemic I wonder if Ants can worry, problaby not We humans can, but is it necessary ? In the bigger scheme of things we may be seen as ants to other species the way ants are being seen by us Small, very small, tiny and hard working wel organised workers whos EGO makes them get the illusion of power over others Deciding out of precautionary considerations based on rational/scientific or inituitive predicting- Yes OK. Deciding driven by irrational fear projections -No- Not OK. The thing is,maybe the scared ones, complot and apocalypse thinkers are right or maybe it will be once proven that they where 100% right I do believe in the possibility of clearvoyance and predicting the future But what happens after the killshot? of after whatever disaster Isnt life not moving around in the spiral of cycles? The fact that we are so unbelievable fr*kn extreme small in the big schme of the Universe should make us worry less. Always be cautions and anticipate but never worry about or fear the future- Never !! The world needs trust driven leadership. No more SCAREDY-CATS thats foolishness As i said maybe the awakened ones are right and maybe some people will be happy with the fact that they had to have the sh*t scared out of them before they took action . The question is whos position will be better those who stay alive or those we died because of whatever scenario ? Nobody will ever now. And also this: If a disasters occur NATURE decides who stays alive and who does not If its my time to go- No preparation will help. If it is NOT my time- even if the sun explodes - i will not die If dead is inavatible than so be it. I cannot think of no other species or animal that worry about dead in advance Nothing that is alive wants to die so it fights for its live- in the here and now- never in advance. Only humans do - and that is doubling the problem ;) We are a remarkable and funny species Lets get back a sense of the real measures between men- planet- and universe buzzfeed/daves4/the-universe-is-scary
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:55:57 +0000

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