Dont you get tired spinning your wheels, trying to make it all fit - TopicsExpress


Dont you get tired spinning your wheels, trying to make it all fit into you little hurt box you have marked memories. i wonder what you feel so justified in, was it running me away, did you think it would break me. I understand that you constantly deal with wretches that have no other option, no place to run, no one else who cares for them. But thats not me, i love people, and mostly they love me back. I have family and friends, and enough love in my heart for them all and more. Indeed i can love many, without boundaries or constraints made up on the front stoops of Little italy. My point is if you made the effort to understand then you wouldnt have to paint gods on the cave walls. And if you would stop trying to justify the hurt you deal out to yourself then maybe you would be able to appreciate the love given to you. Or do you feel you can only be loyal to one person, that seems hard to countenance coming from a mother of six.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 14:28:09 +0000

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