Dont you sometimes scratch your head and wonder what the hell is - TopicsExpress


Dont you sometimes scratch your head and wonder what the hell is going on with all the intrigue, deals and double deals, positioning and manipulation that goes on in the world of international affairs? Apparently youre not the only one. The political sands are shifting on this poor old planet -- and not for the better. Heres one perspective: ----------- May 29-30, 2014 -- Bilderberg Copenhagen 2014: There is something rotten in Denmark by Wayne Madsen The organization that believes it runs the world, the Bilderberg group, is holding its annual secretive meeting in Copenhagens Marriott Hotel, where independent journalists have already been hustled away from the premises amid the always-tight security largely provided by public security services for the worlds top elite. This years confab features repeated attendance by the worlds oldest war criminal, Henry Kissinger, and now-former National Security Agency director General Keith Alexander. Bilderberg is celebrating its 60th anniversary meeting. It first met in 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Osterbeek, Netherlands. Its patron was Dutch Prince Bernhard, a noted Nazi collaborator during World War II. Bilderberg released this years attendance list, with the usual suspects from banks, multinational corporations, neocon think tanks, corporate media, and intelligence agencies. The recent elections for the European Parliament are worrisome to the globalist Bilderbergers. This years host country, Denmark, voted to give the anti-EU and anti-globalist Peoples Party a first-place finish with 4 seats in the EU Parliament. Similar anti-EU parties finished in first place in France and the United Kingdom. Other anti-EU parties gained significant strength in Austria and Poland, while anti-austerity/global banking leftist parties finished first in Greece and gained parliamentary seats in Spain, Portugal, and Ireland. In Germany, the Alternative for Germany, a new party, won 7 seats. It favors scrapping the euro but not the EU. However, for the bankers at Bilderberg, the euro has become a favored contrivance to loot the treasuries of EU member states like Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal through usurious loans and draconian austerity measures. Neo-Nazis are represented in the European Parliament for the first time. Golden Dawn, the neo-Nazi Party in Greece that openly admires Adolf Hitler, won 3 seats. The National Democratic Party of Germany, which has called for the establishment of the Fourth Reich, won its first seat in Strasbourg. Both parties are anti-Zionist and anti-Israel. Some of the far-right parties in the new EU parliament, including the Austrian Freedom Party, Belgian Flemish Interest party, and French National Front, have established links with the strongly-Zionist Likud Party of Israel. The Bilderbergers must also contend with the establishment of the new Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), a counterweight to the European Union. The EEU was established by Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus in Astana, the Kazakh capital, at the very same moment the Bilderbergers were convening in Copenhagen. It is expected that Armenia and Kyrgyzstan will soon join the EEU, with Tajikistan and Uzbekistan also expressing an interest in membership. The Obama administration does not recognize the EEU, calling it a recreation of the Soviet Union. Europes boring elite, known as Eurocrats, are not held in high esteem throughout much of Europe, as seen by the recent EU elections, and they can only seek solace by huddling with their fellow globalists in Copenhagens Marriott Hotel, ringed by police and intelligence personnel eager to please their corporate masters.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 14:04:31 +0000

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