Don’s Daily Parable-STOP! In the Name of Love-7/21/2013 Most - TopicsExpress


Don’s Daily Parable-STOP! In the Name of Love-7/21/2013 Most Christians try their best to live a Godly life and to be righteous in His eyes. There are some, though, who don’t. I’m not being judgmental because I have been there, too. The Holy Spirit convicted me and now I’m in that group who tries, with the Holy Spirit’s help, to live for Jesus. The group of Christians that doesn’t try to live for Jesus find themselves using language that non-Christians use, and doing things that are not pleasing to God. The main thing that displeases God is that it doesn’t seem to bother these folks that they profess Christianity and yet keep doing these things. That shows that they are not filled with the Holy Spirit. They have the Holy Spirit when they were saved, but they have not given over their human nature to the Lord. The flesh still rules. One must give themselves totally to the Lord to live the life of a sold-out Christian. That doesn’t mean that we no longer sin. As long as we are in these fleshly bodies, we are going to sin. A Christian must desire to have a relationship with Jesus. It’s like falling in love with someone. Everything you do is done to please the other person. You want that person to love you and respect you. You don’t want to do anything to displease the other person. You love them so much that you’ll do whatever it takes to have a meaningful relationship with them. When we sin, it breaks God’s heart. It also ruins our witness for Him. He wants the best for us and He wants our lives to glorify Him. We are created to praise Him and glorify Him. He is probably thinking the words to that song in the title of this parable. “STOP”! In the name of love, before you break My heart. Think it over. I know that the last thing I want to do is to break God’s heart because I love Him with all my heart. STOP in the name of love. God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 11:26:15 +0000

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