Don’t EVER Do This If you’re the type of person who enjoys - TopicsExpress


Don’t EVER Do This If you’re the type of person who enjoys achievement and success (and since you’re here, I can say that you are), then this is something you must avoid to give yourself the best shot. This goes for ANY area of your life: health, fitness, martial arts, career, relationships… Because the more you do this, the stronger you’re encoding FAILURE into your nervous system so that it becomes your default. I remember working with a young soccer player named Steven for the first time and demonstrating the Reverse Lunge. Just the basic Reverse Lunge without any bodyweight. It’s one of my favourite exercises because you can load it up to develop strength, it trains the lower body unilaterally, it improves balance and coordination and also helps with mobility. Plus, the learning curve to proper technique is much lower than exercises like the Squat and Deadlift and it doesn’t elicit as many problems with the low back, hips or knees. I finish demoing the exercise then say, “Your turn. Go for it.” Steven begins and on his 3rd or 4th rep, loses his balance ever so slightly and has a misstep. Right then he says, “I knew I was going to fallover!” This story illustrates one of the most disempowering thought patterns we can hold and how we can attract more and more failure into our lives. If after “failing”, you say something like, “I knew it” or “This always happens”, this is a sign you’re STUCK in this disempowering thought pattern. Because saying something like this after failing indicates your mindset going into the exercise (or conversation with your spouse, or boss, or whatever)… You could only ever say “I knew this was going to happen” afterwards if you believed that you were going to fail or screwup or not get the result you wanted before you even started! Read the sentence above again to make sure you get it, because it’s your clue to uncover this for yourself because this thought pattern might not be conscious. If this is the case, it’s even WORSE since it’s a sign that the thought pattern is embedded into your unsconscious, which means it’s been around for a long time and will take more energy and awareness to break free from. Here’s why this is so important… We know without a doubt that visualization improves our chances of success in any endeavor, so it’s natural that it can also improve our chance of failure, if that’s what we’re visualizing. And if it’s no longer a conscious process, but something that happens unconsciously that is our default way of thinking, is it not even MORE powerful? As an entrepreneur (I started my own business in 2005, 8 months after graduating from university), one of the most important skills to nurture is what I call “baseless confidence”. Confidence without any basis for it. This isn’t cockiness where you think that everything you do is amazing. There’s a specific time to use this skill and it’s when you decide to take an action. You can go back and forth and play devil’s advocate before you take an action as much as you want, but once you decide, you must believe you’ll succeed, otherwise, don’t take the action. I mean, if you didn’t think it was going to work, what’s the point of doing it? This applies to EVERY area of your life. So if you’re going for a new personal Bench Press record, once you’ve loaded the bar, believe you’re going to hit it. If you’re going into a fight, believe that you’re going to come out the victor, regardless of who you’re fighting. BASELESS CONFIDENCE When you harness this power, life and all of its possibilities are open to you, because you believe in yourself. And when you hit an obstacle, instead of “I knew it” you’ll think, “Hmmm, that’s strange, that wasn’t supposed to happen,” and you won’t stop yourself, you’ll just figure out a way to go around it. What I’ve shared here is not my opinion, I’m simply bringing to light what is so and what could only be so based on the way our brains and the world works. These are laws and principles and now that you know them, it’s up to you to apply them. So go for it. Whatever it is. You WILL succeed. I believe in YOU. E
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:44:31 +0000

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