Don’t Get Seduced By Low Rates Welbanks, April 2, - TopicsExpress


Don’t Get Seduced By Low Rates Welbanks, April 2, 2014 Logic dic­tates that when there is a deep dis­count in mort­gage inter­est rates there has to be a rea­son for it and know­ing the short­com­ings before­hand is always bet­ter than a nasty sur­prise afterwards. Gen­er­ally speak­ing, the adage which states ‘you get what you pay for’ works in the case of mort­gages; a Jaguar costs more than a Toy­ota because there are more bells and whis­tles. The same is true when it comes to mortgages. Any­one who wants a bare-bones (“no frills”), stripped-down mort­gage will get exactly that, an unbeat­able inter­est rate that offers pre­cious few other benefits. An analy­sis of the sav­ings should be the first step to deter­mine what that low rate is worth. On a $200,000 mort­gage, a dif­fer­ence in 10 basis points at an inter­est rate of 2.99% rep­re­sents a dif­fer­ence of only $200 per year. The key ben­e­fits that may not be in the no-frills mort­gage could include the fol­low­ing features: Pre-payment oppor­tu­ni­ties Is it porta­ble? Is it assumable? Blend and extend component Increase in pay­ments options Option to refinance The other major com­po­nent that should be closely scru­ti­nized in a cut-rate mort­gage is the cost to break it as well as the dis­charge fees, both of which could be exorbitant. Mort­gage inter­est rates are a mine­field that usu­ally only get dis­cov­ered when some­thing unfor­tu­nate occurs like default­ing on pay­ments or the need to sell neces­si­tated by a move, mar­i­tal break­down or a loss of income. Nav­i­gat­ing the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages of a super low rate mort­gage is where the mort­gage bro­ker comes in. As a knowl­edge­able pro­fes­sional, it is their respon­si­bil­ity to get the facts on the table to facil­i­tate an edu­cated decision. While all deci­sions have their con­se­quences, not many have the weight and impact of a mort­gage, due to the amount of money at risk. Pru­dence is the most impor­tant attribute when con­sid­er­ing such a cru­cial deci­sion. Make sure your mort­gage pro­fes­sional has the expe­ri­ence to advise you prop­erly so you don’t pay for their inex­pe­ri­ence later.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 21:49:38 +0000

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