Don’t Give Up On Your Problem; Your Miracle Is On the - TopicsExpress


Don’t Give Up On Your Problem; Your Miracle Is On the Way Posted on March 13, 2014 by Bro. Kelly Jack Most of us are faced with one problem or the other. Some of us have been sick for many years, and we now believe that there is no cure for our sickness. We have tried all sorts of medical treatments, met specialist and experts but no solution. We have gone to the best hospitals in the world with the best doctors in attendance but still no cure. We have prayed, fasted and gone to different healing meetings but still our problem persists. We have met with different men and women of God, prophets and preachers for healing but to no avail. We have drank holy water, used anointed oil and anointed handkerchief but still no cure. Sometimes the people whom we look up to help us, disappoint us. We have come to a stage in our lives that we have lost all hope for any healing. While some of us have been unemployed for a long time with no job at hand, we have gone to school, applied for jobs, served as apprentices and interns but still no job. Others have been married for a long time and have believed God for the fruit of the womb but it is still not forthcoming. Some people have financial difficulties in their homes, they have not been able to pay for their essential utilities and things seem to remain the same day after day even when they are working two jobs with a small business by the side. While others have been arrested by the devil and his servants. They have been living in darkness and it seems as though no one can deliver them from this destruction. Some are going through difficulties in their marriages and there is no way out. They have even lost hope on marriage counselors and the institution of marriage. These difficult challenges are numerous and persistent that they make these individuals to sometimes give up on God and the government. But I am here to give you good news. Where it seems impossible with men, it is possible with God. Don’t give up on Jesus Christ, invite Him into your situation and He will provide a solution to your problems. Let us take a brief look at a story where Jesus Christ turned an impossible situation to a possible situation in (John 5:1-9) .In this story we see Jesus Christ healing a man who was ill for thirty eight years. Thirty eight years indicates the seeming permanence of this man’s affliction. In this man’s story, there is a pool which is stirred once by the Angel of the Lord and any sick person who goes into the pool when it is been stirred gets his/her healing. This teaches us to be careful, that we let not a season slip which may never return. The story continues were we are told that Jesus Christ found the invalid man at the side of the pool waiting for the Angel of the Lord to stir the water. This teaches us that we have to welcome Jesus Christ into our challenges in life, no matter how long that challenge or illness has persisted. Jesus Christ initiated the healing process by asking the man “Do you want to be made well?” This question is meant to find out what the sick man wants. Some of us are so accustomed to our problems in life that we have given up hope on any solution and sometimes we doubt if God will ever heal our diseases that has gone on for a long time. The invalid man answered Jesus Christ by saying “Sir I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me.” This answer teaches us that sometimes we complain too much about our inadequacies in life rather than focusing on the one (Jesus Christ) that will solve our problem. Jesus Christ did not listen to the man’s complains rather he went straight for the problem, commanding the invalid man to stand up, take his mat and walk. At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk. Jesus’ act of healing is pure grace. The sick man was healed without exercising any faith. He did not know who Jesus was when he was healed. This story teaches us that even when our situation looks hopeless, Jesus Christ can still turn our bad situation around for good. LIFE LESSONS: Invite Jesus Christ into your sickness/challenges in life Stop complaining about your inadequacies in life Focus on the healer(Jesus Christ) not the sickness Don’t lose hope no matter how long your sickness/problem has persisted. Don’t worry about people who will not help you. You can be healed by Jesus base on pure grace Be careful, that we let not a season slip which may never return. LIFE QUESTION: Have you given up on your problem?
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:17:09 +0000

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