Don’t be Faint-hearted! Most believers are familiar with the - TopicsExpress


Don’t be Faint-hearted! Most believers are familiar with the story of Peter walking on the water. The disciples were in a boat traveling to the other side of the lake. They saw a figure walking on the water and were afraid. But Jesus called out to them and identified himself. Peter called out and said, Lord, if that is you, tell me to come to you. Jesus answered Peter with one word: Come. Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water for a distance. Then he looked around at the wind and the waves. He began to be afraid and started to sink into the water. He cried out to the Lord, “Lord, save me.” Jesus came to him, took his hand, and brought him back to the boat. This is a great story. One might wonder what Jesus thought about Peter’s boldness to step out of the boat, his first steps, and his eventual sinking into the water. Wouldn’t it be good to know what Jesus thought and how God might think about Peter in this situation? Because different Christians would have different interpretations of this story, it might be interesting to put words in Jesus mouth based on what Christians from different varieties of beliefs might think He would have said. For example, Jesus might have said: — Peter, God predestined that you would be the one to choose to get out of the boat. But then God directed your attention to the storm so you would begin to sink and would have to call out to me to save you. This predestined situation was to teach you not to trust in yourself. It was to humble you. — Peter, even though you thought you were walking by faith, you can see now that obviously nothing can be accomplished by your own efforts; its all by My grace. — Peter, You must feel wrecked and sloshed and must be having a total glory fest in my presence from this totally radical experience we had walking on the water together. — Peter, I want to encourage you about how awesome you did, brother. You did good for your first try! You are totally amazing! You are the best! That was fantastic. Next time you will make it even further! High five! Perhaps, rather than imagining what Jesus said to Peter, it would be more valuable to our understanding of God and our learning of spiritual things to pay attention to what Jesus ACTUALLY said to Peter in this context of him getting out of the boat, walking on the water for a distance, and then beginning to sink. What DID Jesus say? He said, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:31 The Message Bible says, “Faint-heart, what got into you?” Jesus didnt commend Peter for being the one who got out of the boat. He didnt commend Peter for making it part way. He didnt commend Peter for crying out to Him for help in his distress. He didn’t comfort Peter in his fear. Jesus identified Peter as being of little faith and asked him, Why did you doubt? Peter received no praise from Jesus for his partial walk — if you’ve seen Me you’ve seen the Father. Peter received no sympathy from Jesus for almost drowning — if you’ve seen Me you’ve seen the Father. Rather, Peter was identified by Jesus as being of little faith and challenged concerning his unbelief — if you’ve seen Me you’ve seen the Father. WOW and WOW! Maybe God expects more from His sons and daughters and followers than many think?? Maybe God expects more from YOU than you think? At least Peter got out of the boat! Maybe it’s time for your to “Step it UP” in your faith! Do you want God to marvel at your unbelief and identify you as one of “little faith?” Or do you want to take God at His Word, step out in faith, and have God say to you, “Your faith has made you whole!” Or, “Be it unto you according to your faith.” Or, “I am pleased with you because of your faith in Me!” Or, “Wow, I haven’t seen this kind of faith even in the biggest and most famous churches!” Step Out. Walk. Walk. Walk. Walk. Don’t Stop. Don’t Quit. Dont sink! Don’t worry about the surrounding “winds and waves!” After all, without faith you can’t walk even walk on calm water!! If you read the gospels carefully, you will discover that there are only 2 places that Jesus marveled. He marveled at the great faith of the centurion. He marveled at the unbelief of Nazareth. So......if you want God to marvel at You.....well, now you know what He finds Marvel-ous!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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