Don’t eat your seed After a harvest in Bible times, before the - TopicsExpress


Don’t eat your seed After a harvest in Bible times, before the farmer would use any of the grain as food for his family or livestock, he would first go through the harvest grain and pick out a percentage that exhibited the best qualities of size, weight, color, and set this aside as seed for the next season’s crop planting. This early form of genetic selection helped assure that the next generation of crops would produce higher yields and greater quality. Everything in life starts with a seed. God said in Genesis 8:22, "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." The eternal law of seedtime and harvest, planting and reaping, giving and receiving will not change as long as the earth remains. God has commanded us to bring our tithe, which is our seed into his storehouse (Malachi 3:10). It is up to you to obey if you want a harvest. Your tithe is your seed for the next harvest. Don’t eat your seed. Do not use the Lord’s tithe for anything else! Because if you don’t sow, you can’t reap. When you give, it is like planting a seed in the ground that will grow and produce a harvest, it will eventually come back to bless you. What is the tithe? The tithe is 10% of your paycheck. God says if you will plant your tithe seed faithfully each pay period, he will multiply your seed. He will rebuke the devourer who comes to steal your finances and he will open the storehouse of his bounty and bless you. Now that is what your Father, the great creator says; we need to decide if we trust him or not. To not tithe is to say, God I don’t know if I can trust you. If you don’t trust God, then who will you trust? Think about it. From ADEWALE ADESOYE. Please visit the website for more materials: jesuseverydaydailydevotional Have you been blessed by this message? Invite your friends to partake of this life transforming encounter.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:48:53 +0000

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