Don’t let them make you animal, then you will look like a lose - TopicsExpress


Don’t let them make you animal, then you will look like a lose cannon, They are never satisfied, until you are gone. Their negative deep intent. (lesion 001) WHAT DO YOUTHE PAIN? Some day, I was in a bar close to my house, and a young man entered with a CD. plat in his hand, he was sweating prufurslly that moment he walked in and that was what cut my attention, then he hands over the CD. to one of the men setting right in front of me, drunk and down casted. Then the man looked at the CD. for a moment and broke out in laughter with his two lousy friends. Then he gave the CD. back to the young man, and the young man walked away looking disappointed and depressed. As the men kept laughing at the young man, and imitating him for their drunk mode fun. They are making fun of him because he did not accept to be who they want him to be, or something. They say he has lost everything and now is time to finish him, so they call him “ragger boy”, “ganja boy”, “raster man musician”, “good for nothing boy”, why all the names? I did not understand who, or what those names are for, if it is still for that young light?, he has passed, they are the once that are stork. I only wish the young man can hear me from were ever, Forget them save that talent, some day you will find light to show that part clearly so people will believe. Now am filling pissed in this one, I have a filling Those Frickes are only trying to find out what makes the man in you real solid? They are trying to “understand your wick point and then expose you” they will make you twist your self out of your discipline and balloon it out in the public, are they trying to test your patience? To them you are “dejavu”, they just want to see you complete the cycle. The one predictable, Forget those empty moves, from those empty blocked heads. Jobless things, they have nothing yet to deliver, they are acting that strange because they have got nothing ells to do. Ask them when last they appreciated anything good? And they will pretend they have it culturally built in them. Note. Because they can’t afford and defend the naturally built makeup, so they take the easy way out. For people not to notice. “culturally built in them” and not naturally built. Then physically in their real life, they normally sit back and read every thing from the back. They will never see anything good about nature or things they come across in life, they are ever ready to argue with some lousy logics. They are Ideas and dream killers, they will only serve you with nothing but distractions of focuses, with their remote control for brain waving, and confusions, meet destroyers, they are sadists, unhappy when you are smiling. don’t let it hot you when you notice the public ballooning, their normal anchor is the public, and the fight is to exposing you. They have nothing to Deliver. I advice my clients, when they come across kinds like these minds, To try and be in the present, “In the Now” stay alert in a relaxed mode, celebrate your blank mind mode, stay open for anything is welcomed. At this time, don’t forget you will be open to passive the deference between an evil mind and an unenlightened mind; like good or bad, like male and female. I want you to see it that there are two deference soles flying along the humanly unenlightened realm of nature, with emotional investment, and only One can be captured or saved by a growing man that wants to help, (the unenlightened mind is the one that can be saved, the teamed can be saved, the illiterate, cranky, can be saved). But the other, (evil minded emotions from pain monsters of sadists) this one has chosen his part, you don’t even need to look at them. If you can, Show some love, because love is the only thing they are all loosing and need, so show them sugar hart. A friend said love exists when you believe you own your owner, “emotional understanding in captivity in that mind” this mains you are so sure. Understanding up to predictions on their emotions, so if you apply this same logic to those sadists, vases your understanding, they cannot help it but to follow nature. Love takes over the show, so you can take a second, and look deeper in to their eyes, with this understanding, you will hear their hart bits from there eyes. It mains no mater haw sad they are, there is still life in them. Don’t be too sensitive to fall in love, show more love than they have ever expected. you will discover that you’ve not seen it all yet. One must see something good about nature and things of life. So with that, let me presents you with my “solid man” so you can win your real man back, if they don’t like it, you can keep it. I told that young talent days later when we mate in a bus, Don’t be discouraged; believe me, one or more of them needs to be like you for just a moment of greed luck. Always treat criticism dearly, engage your mind to fly in to the natural freedom in the atmosphere, like a baby, get yourself be witless, you are not wattles, you are in the now, with the ego dead, only love survives. Now you have a soft spot for any part of whatever that is coming, smile it’s fine, you are schooling the level of enlightenment in that source and you are doing just fine, this development will help broaden your awareness, and you can always upgrade your vision with what is most needed at that moment, now you passive a new line of logic. Like I said if they cannot handle it, don’t west your time with them experimenting with conventions, apply some humor to the environment and vaporize smoothly, it is you and your believes that know what is true and because this believe has spent time with you, transforming to suit development timing, it is impossible for anyone to say what it has metermoforsized in to from a distance, that’s my respect for talent. So Keep it and hit the read like the young man still did. But before you close that chapter from those unenlightened once, I call this, a test of the silidman. take one last view back at them in a smile like a baby, and ask yourself, is anything left in those empty barrels?, ok, am having a filling that you mint be filling that am making you look at that shit again, no I want you to take the “s” out of that shit and make a hit out of it. forget the trashed event, it’s always good to finalize any event without any hangover of any shock, take MY 3-DV power viewer for sure predictions, it covers present to develop a view of the future. Smart moment viewing, 8 to 10 seconds smart, 3-DV is real fast to use, you see?... Enjoy and no matter what you find, don’t ever let your emotions take control of that moment, always find that your Solid Man and be that one you have and believe in you, then put a smiles on that face and this is the best home mode, I don’t want you to miss any piece of this action or any part of the drama. Don’t let them make you animal, haw can you let them make you fill you are less than things, and will amount to nothing?, invading you to the inside of your shield till they crack your shield for you, they are in to chess your lags off the ground. believe sadist for distraction without considering how much this most have cost to get to that point, they are very fast to pass georgment on anything without caring to understand it for a moment. Relax, your primary believe is in “yourself” don’t let that go, remember your are still on the track to make your vision to be seeing believe, so the two resins left with your solid man’s mind that is before you dance the last dance on those empty vessels is, maybe that one is not disposed at that moment for that event, or that one is not understanding your channel, am saying for that moment maybe the unenlightened is not disposed enough to understand that channel, ok you try and see something great out of that natural present you are, admire something about anything smart, choose a move that will totally eras the whole event from those unlike minds, now you see that they can’t handle it, so keep it. (save that talent) like I said, You can try bringing in some humor in words or action, hypnotize there emotionless minds with love fantasy like it is coming from a baby’s mind. So innocently presented in the present, And the nest move will be “Adios”, that mines see you friends, I have gat work to do, things that cannot be believed yet, to make believe, and more to take care of, and love to find and enjoy. That is you’re SolidMan and because you passed, now you are on the move to develop more on that sudden vision captured, so to finalize the event to suit your personal believed view point, The liven vision in you, Have you not seen it work yet? When You are even experimenting and adventuring all around personal believe, “the passed vision”, successes and understood view in your believe. That is the one you need to work with, or you can move on anyway if you find nothing at all in their pieces of trash, there is nothing wrong with been a little more careful. Sometimes I check my trash can to be sure I have not let the needed go, not to lose anything. Because if you let them make you an animal, you will look like a loose cannon, and maybe you smack nervousness in defiance, lack of self control, no self rules, or regulation to geared self, no self discipline, so the erosion had carried your regulation if there was any at all. In that move, they are now more control than you are in the present, they are developing characters out of you, you have allowed them predict your now so they pipette you. they see you as entertainment, so everyone will want to have fun, it is possible because you allowed them set that entrapment specially to cage you at that moment, they are now accessing their plan “B” in there master plan list for verity of fun that they can developed out of your mode, now, you are left alone to wallow lonely sensitively in the now unaware of the present, because you don’t want to listen to your self for a moment, pain has slipped you to the ground, when you are trying to make a point where there is no sense. And in that rage of anger, you will totally lose your physical and emotional balanced to really see what’s going on in that moment, loose cannon on the move, things happen around it, but it is too fast on that speed that it can’t notice them. No matter what you find, try and be present, be your real man at any time, because those heaters are also being there real self. I remember the day I almost smacked nervousness, that moment was really crazy, it was like every were became dark and it is just me and my opponent, I was no longer interested in what tomorrow will bring, the speed of my hart bit will not allow me hear anything, the flesh is ready for what ever or dead at this time. The eye see nothing but dark and blood, the sun shine is making it drip all over the rumpled face, I was young in those days, I wanted to end it up right there at that time, the case is that I found my best friend with my only girl, now am looking at them with a long knife in my hand facing two of them, miraculously, the embassy called me for an appointment. And they never understood what made me change my mind after that call, I almost lost that beautiful moment. Don’t let them make you animal, to make you look like a lose cannon, if you are lyrically gifted, they will make you bust out un-synthesized words, you will say things you had locked up in your inner mind closet, don’t forget that what makes a man is power and secrets, that is what made Samson, that is what made king Solomon, king David, it’s that convenient with God. If you are opportune to more enlightenment at any moment, acknowledge it and be smart to link yourself back to your real self to know haw that enlightenment will naturally fit in, am still saying nothing is a west. So to come back, ask yourself if you remember who you are? Quickly and unwind that mind before you begin to go too deep in to the things you have not really though over well to know the best time for it, before you are letting them go without any target, “regrets” always comes to play after nervousness is smacked. Had I known... the worst thing that will happen is if you are the flee type, the action type, you should remember to chose jell or heaven, so that you can make really sound out of that crazy moment. Sometimes, these people don’t just want to get it, until you smack it all on the flow like wild animal. Then you will become public enemy no1, you can’t believe yourself, because that is exactly what they want to make out of you. They want you to forget something, you will forgot mussels is no march with power, no, you did not forget, it’s just that you did not just slow down for one moment to acknowledge who you are or what you used to know about the man in you. Watch out for Carelessness in outcome, the result, the reaction for that action is punishment plus, “over time” the time you would have used for something ells, now you are now choked up with more stress that nature had floated for your natural self, you are having a bigger cross now than then, you will tell no one of what you saw. lack of self discipline, why?, I will advice my friends to be the one that can call them self back in a moment, in a smart new millennium, moment compliant way, well, some call it dot com style of representing in satisfaction, that way will quickly handles that event with no harm account in the moment, everyone will see the light, and it is one of a kind because it was made out of satisfaction of divine self discipline, and you will move fire out of anything to discover light, and truth, because you are over 100% in the present in the “now” with nothing in the mind, free spirit sole flying like a baby, in the atmosphere, no arrow can hot the air, because your believe is too strong, and your wants are quickly converted to needs by nature and delivered. This is the part of real enlightenment. Some people can stand up and be more of themselves than people try to make them, they laugh when you expect them to cry, keeping their plans in balanced mode, the face know nothing about the mind’s believe to pass. of course it’s only the strung survive in the jungle, the good thing is, what I think this millennium is talking about is haw these energy could be converted and directed to more of the intellectual art to make development help, so harry up, the show is on what you can contribute, and this is where a name is sold out. Ask yourself, will you remember to allow nature take control of all those moments of yours? Always consult your inner self specifically on issues you find sensitive, because it is still you in and out that event, so think again because you mint be right, or make something right in your nest event. “Enlightenment is good to discover” now you are on, see if you can absolve pain, and over rite it with joy. There is no world better than the one with the free flow of nature 100% in it, so you can free, flow till you fly in to the atmosphere and become that star. Enjoy your new world, and I most say Congratulations, You have found the SolidMan. If they can not handle it, it mint be too much in the tomorrow that they can not see it, or it’s the wrong place, or time. When the solidman finds the right one, at the right time and place, discovering of a dirty diamond, the world will not be a limit. To the solidman, no time is a west, every time is put to work in the upgrade of the most powerful talent from nature, which is the plus in the solidman Are they those that makes earns-meeting? “One of my home boys asked” No, those are toy to the ones close to the solidman. Just try and discover one talent out of yourself, everyone has got one thing he/she’s good at, make out time for yourself and understand your person. The SolidMan. am not playing, am working. wyldtyga cyproforce
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:50:54 +0000

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