Don’t ruin your marriage by sharing your private marriage issues - TopicsExpress


Don’t ruin your marriage by sharing your private marriage issues with outsiders. When the marriage privacy wall breaks down the marriage breaks down as well. Your marriage is a sacred union between you, your spouse and God. Keeping your marriage issues private preserves the purity and sacredness of your marriage. When a spouse shares private marriage issues with outsiders, it invalidates the sacredness of the marriage union and creates opportunity for satanic interference. There is no room for a third person in marriage. A third person that you give privileged access to your private marriage life will be used by the Devil as a wedge to separate you and your spouse. Friends and family must know that when it comes to your marriage, there is a line they cannot cross. Save yourself from unnecessary trouble and regret; keep your private marriage life securely locked within the secret chambers of your heart. Your spouse’s faults, weaknesses and mistakes should never become the subject of public discussion, regardless of how hurt or disappointed you are. Share your troubles with God or privately with a trusted godly prayerful spiritual leader. “Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.” Proverbs 21:23. – Isaac Kubvoruno -From Together Forever Goodnight everyone!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:52:28 +0000

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