Dopey Challenge Race Report: (Sorry it is long) Run Dopey they - TopicsExpress


Dopey Challenge Race Report: (Sorry it is long) Run Dopey they said, it would be fun they said... Every muscle in my body hurt, my feet were chewed up, and there apparently wasnt enough body glide in the world that would prevent the chaffing I sustained... But I wouldnt change any of it for the world!!!! I really didnt know how I would do and how far Id get because Training has been almost non-existent. My goal was to take it day by day and just finish! The event itself had four consecutive races that increased in distance (a 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon). Races started at 0530 and they wanted you in your corrals at 0400. This year I actually stayed at one of the resorts, so wake up times were 0300 to avoid extensive lines for the bus and for those of you that know me, know me I am not a morning person so this was an accomplishment for me. 5K morning was freezing with a side of arctic cold 20 mph winds. I was happy to be in my gear; except I still got very cold prior to the race starting. It was my first gear run since September. Joints and muscles didnt seem to be effected. I reminded myself to keep a pace and not push myself unnecessarily. Prior to the 10K, sitting in the corral, I felt ill. My stomach was bothering me, I was nauseous, and just felt miserable and had a 6.2 mile run ahead of me. Needless to say, I dry heaved any time I tried to run and then eventually need a porta-potty desperately, by the end of the race I actually felt pretty good. Last year, I ran the half which made the marathon the next day miserable. So this year I ran about 7 miles and walked the rest. The Marathon... OMG the Marathon! This was the most scariest run Ive ever had. All week I followed the weather and wasnt sure if Id wear my gear because the forecast called for rain. The night before they pushed to rain until Monday, but the humidity would be 75%. I usually have a rule anything above 70% I dont wear the gear, but I went against my better judgement and ran in it anyway; so I got hot quickly in the race. I did walk/ run intervals for the first half then I started feeling weak. To add to my stress, a TNT coach warned me the sweepers were close behind and I needed to make the the next 3 miles in a certain time (a running pace)! I saw a friend outside of Animal Kingdom (around mile 14-15) and dropped my pack and ran! I skipped a needed water stopped and didnt stay on track of my nutrition. I gave myself a lead over the sweepers, but I messed up. Now I couldnt drink or eat without throwing up, then I felt the black curtain and felt like I was going to drop. I dont remember much for a couple miles... But apparently a group of nameless runners carried my helmet, jacket, and ME! Gave me B12, a salt tablet, and fluid. Next thing I knew, medics stopped me and started talking about taking me out of the race. I being the stubborn person I am... Was like nope, Im way to far to quit! I got into the ESPN sports complex and was greeted by a Perfect Goofy named Al. He proceeded to tell me I looked like crap! Im like Well, Thank you! Starting a Magical partnership! He ended up staying with me the rest of the race, made sure I took in the proper fluids, food, and nutrition, and he pushed me when I didnt think I could do it! He also gave me a shoulder (a body) to lean on when I started feeling fuzzy about 2 or 3 more times afterward. What can I contribute to these scary moments: 1) Running 3 races prior in gear/pack. 2) lack of training (big key component I know) 3) 75% humidity- a lot more sweat-not intaking as much as I outputing. 4) Not keeping track of time which would have kept me regimented on hydration and nutrition. I did finish... But it was ugly! 48.6 Miles D-O-N-E! I am so thankful for the people who helped me along the coarse; sacrificing their times, sacrificing being swept, giving up nutrition because the flavors I had were just making me sick, giving encouragement, giving me a shoulder or body to lean on!!!! If it werent for those people I know I wouldnt have finished! If you ever lose faith in humanity, you should go out and watch a marathon!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:49:12 +0000

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