Dorohi i shanovni druzi-- I know Razom is currently working on a - TopicsExpress


Dorohi i shanovni druzi-- I know Razom is currently working on a petition to impose sanctions on Yanukovych and his gang. However, Ive seen numerous requests from Ukrainians from all over the globe for a sample petition that they can reference whena protesting and appealing to Austrian, German, UK and Swiss governments or their respective consulates. Ive put together a petition that can be used as a guide for those currently planning an active protest. Also, there are documents (company names, etc) that you can print out and should use with your petition at Yours, truly. To: Name of Consul Address of Consulate General Date: February xx, 2014 Dear Mr. (Name of Consul), We, the Ukrainian Community in the United States of America and friends of Ukraine, are deeply upset and shocked with the recent events in Ukraine. As you are aware, the people of Ukraine have been struggling to rid themselves of the corrupt and violent regime of Victor Yanukovych and his political allies. President Yanukovych and his political allies have grossly violated human rights, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Hundred and eighty-third plenary meeting Resolution 217(A)(III) of the United Nations General Assembly, December 10, 1948; Articles: 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 28. Although we are currently working with international and Ukrainian human rights organizations to bring those who participated in the destruction of the fundamental rights of citizens to justice; we strongly urge you to initiate immediate actions, which will help stop the conflict and prevent further violence. Namely, we ask that you, as a representative of {CONSULATE COUNTRY} in {COUNTRY YOU RESIDE IN}, appeal to your government officials, including but not limited to the President and members of the Parlaiment, to impose immediate and irreversible individual sanctions against those responsible for the recent bloodshed, banning them from entry into {CONSULATE COUNTRY NAME}. Furthermore, we believe that the authoritarian regime of President Viktor Yanukovych has been fueled by proceeds of corruption laundered via the international financial system through the network of shell-companies and professional intermediaries. Since President Yanukovych took office in 2010, his sons personal wealth has increased by over 7,500%. We consider it unacceptable to use the international financial system to support the Yanukovych regime, which violently disperses peaceful demonstrations, organizes bloody beatings of unarmed people, and holds kangaroo courts, that throw innocent people in jail and holds political prisoners. Pursuant to the international anti-money laundering standards of FATF, implemented in the EU Directives and the USA PATRIOT Act {dont reference the Patriot Act when appealing to foreign consulates in non USA countries}, we request the following: 1. An immediate freeze placed on all accounts of Viktor Yanukovych, his son Oleksander and the companies of which they are the beneficiaries. 2. An immediate freeze of correspondent banking accounts, used by business structures and affiliated financial institutions of the Yanukovychs to get access to the world finance market. We are attaching a detailed description of assets, which belong to Viktor Yanukovych and his son Oleksander Yanukovych, who has built his business empire with the help of his father’s abuse of power. Included is also a list of companies, which should be blocked from accessing the international financial system. On behalf of the Ukrainian community worldwide, we thank you for your cooperation in helping to establish a democratic and corruption free form of government in Ukraine; as well as contributing to the protection of human rights. With sincerest gratitude, Ukrainian Community and friends of Ukraine in {country you reside in}
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:07:14 +0000

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