Dosarul EADS, nume noi: Ion Tiriac, Ioan Rus, Elena Udrea Un - TopicsExpress


Dosarul EADS, nume noi: Ion Tiriac, Ioan Rus, Elena Udrea Un articol de Vlad Georgescu, in Huffington Post, editia germana, tradus - atat cat poate - cu Google translate. ( The Romanian anti-corruption authority Directia Nationala de Anticoruptie (DNA) determined against senior government officials and intelligence officers of the country: They have about 60 million euros in bribes collected to allow EADS in 2005 a contract for EUR 743 million in Romania. The money comes in part from the pots of the EU. In addition, EADS Germany GmbH, Fujitsu Siemens Computers and Microsoft diving in connection with such transaction, the name of Gerhard Schröder, Bodo Hornbach, Ion Tiriac and Klaus Mangold on - as well as that of the Romanian presidential candidate Elena Udrea. The German media previously underrated case is already regarded as the most complex criminal procedure at the group and level of government in the history of IT and security technology. Determined is currently in the US, Austria and Romania. In fact, in August of 2004 and 2005, revised and signed contract to secure the Romanian external border was at the time signed in the presence of Gerhard Schröder and brought by Klaus Mangold and Ion Tiriac on the way. Only the first is neither illegal nor unusual. Considered in the overall context dive in the Romanian and US investigators, however, on a number of questions. For the text of the treaty has it all. It undertook the Romanian state, represented by the Ministry of Interior MAI, which in turn was represented by in-house agency SC COMEX SA, for payment of EUR 743 million in EADS, a sum which initially reduced from 650 million to 543 million and was increased by 200 million EUR in 2009. Sources in Bucharest, according to the DNA at the latest next week will call for the lifting of parliamentary immunity of several former ministers and MPs, and thus initiate the investigation against them. One of the central figures here is Ioan Rus - former Director General at DaimlerChrysler Transylvania (until 2000), then Romanian Interior Minister and also mastermind of the MAI EADS deal. From the available reports of the DNA to the address of the Romanian Parliament can be proven: Fujitsu Siemens has served in both the Microsoft and the EADS corruption scandal as a money laundering device. On,, Please Fujitsu Siemens offshore accounts were established in Cyprus, were on the high-level ministerial payments in the form of consulting fees or cash withdrawals. Fujitsu Siemens among others, the Company Gessa and Profinet used as second money transfer channel to which,, commissions in height have flowed from a total of 15 percent of the contract price. In a secret agreement between EADS Germany GmbH and the MAI Fujitsu Siemens is considered in a portion as an exclusive subcontractor with a contract volume of EUR 60 million. These funds were transferred from FSC on the existing and newly established offshore companies in Cyprus to senior government officials of Romania. Presidential candidate in the crosshairs of investigators One of the most prominent figures in this game is the current presidential candidate Elena Udrea. This declared nine million euros bribes that got her former and now in Dubai submerged man Dorin Cocos, opposite the Romanian Financial unceremoniously as credit in his own statement of net assets - and bestreitert any involvement at EADS-Fujitsu deal with ignorance. The principle is to provide bribes against the financial loans as a good reason, says an insider from Bucharest: After three years, the claims for reimbursement, in this way money is washed under the eyes of the authorities. Anyway seems Udrea, whose opportunities in the Romanian campaign are Opinion polls conceded alongside Victor Ponta and Klaus Iohannis as well, to have had no problems with the cover-up of facts in the past, as a glance at the investment firm Impact Developer and Contractor occupies. An internal document of the Directia Inspectie si Control, a first of the Romanian Ministry of Environment and today the Prime Minister of the country under its control authority, listed in the report 9068 in 2011 to that Impact Developer & Contractor same in connection with the million heavy investment project Greenfield, in which several hectares of the forest Bucharest are cut down, repeatedly illegally acted. according to the report Thus, environmental impact studies, which are prerequisite for the implementation of such a construction project under EU and national law, manipulated. from the recorded call logs from the environment of the Romanian Innlandsgeheimdienstes SRI, available to us, is also shows that Impact Developer & Contractor with officials of the City Hall Bucharest spoke on permits issued in 2007 -. so long before they were present at all in addition, the Romanian National anti-Corruption Authority DNA determined for years against the company - and froze to the clarification of several issues assets in value of over four million euros a. Responded to these points, Impact Developer & Contractor did not answer. The then Environment Minister Elena Udrea ignored the reports submitted to the investigating authorities - and supported in this way the run from Bucharest multimillionaires Gheorghe Iaciu system. About the illegal incidents an informed citizen in the context of a complaint two years ago, finally, the EU Commission. In this way reached the documents, which are also present us, the Environmental Directorate General of the European Commission in Brussels. In May 2012, said the head of the department ENV.A.1, the Romanian Ion Codescu that the information provided had led thanks to the information contained therein for the opening of Infringement method with the number 2012/4032. But the complainant from Bucharest provided the original documents of the Romanian law enforcement authorities not only to the Directorate General Environment, he sent the explosive acts as a copy also to the then Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik and EU Commission President Manuel Barroso. Despite the documentation that all came from the pen of the Romanian anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies, the European Commission presented the Infringement proceedings in 2013 after a visit of an EU official in Bucharest again. Is Substance step today with the existence of an environmental impact study (PUZ), the even criticize the Romanian law enforcement authorities as illegal - and whose legality had canceled even Romanian dishes. Elena Udrea that despite such complications, both in EADS, and the Impact Developer & Contractor scandal Gheorghe Iaciu candidate at all for the office of President of Romania today, may at first appear as a purely Romanian problem. The exact look behind the scenes but shows: Shaping Western corporations corruption Shops in Balkan country actively. Bucharest: Short distances, fast payments - perfect transactions on the law by According to the DNA investigation file EADS Germany as had the first EUR four million in bribes in 2004 in a first payment. In addition to FSC also the Contractors UTI and Felix Telecom come as a subcontractor of EADS Germany into play. The investigation of DNA taken for evidence of the FBI, addition, questions on the role Gerhard Schröder, Klaus Mangold and Ion Tiriacs give rise: They made the deal possible only by Bucharest in the relevant time several conversations on the subject at government level led. Particularly questionable here appears the role of Klaus Mangold, who ran as a former chief executive of DaimlerChrysler and head of Rothschild GmbH Germany direct connections to the later and now in the center of the Romanian Interior Minister Ioan Rus related investigations. Rus in turn was until 2000 Chief Executive Officer of Daimler Chrysler in Transylvania, to then go directly to the post of Romanian Interior Minister. Also one of the central figures was the former manager of Boris Becker, known also in Germany Ion Tiriac. Today, UniCredit Tiriac Bank - - In the investigation files of the Romanian anti-corruption agency, the name of his bank appears also in the EADS Act. Legally considered purely accidental is also the role of the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who vehemently campaigned in 2004 for the signing of the MAI SISF-contract between EADS Germany GmbH and the Romanian state. After the with significant lobbying by Klaus Mangold that have been made treaty was signed in August 2004, Gerhard Schröder took a job in 2006 as a consultant,, at Rothschild - whose chief Germany is the former Daimler Chrysler Executive Klaus Mangold. In this list of miraculous coincidences Bucharest, another political celebrity joins: Bodo Hornbach. This came as a close confidant and former chief of the Federal Chancellery in turn targeted by the Romanian media, as he 50 percent of the daily Romania Libera took over with the WAZ group - and you then forbade the editors to work up the EADS case. Testimony of the then Department of editorial ROMANIA LIBERATION confirm the influence of the WAZ group on press relations, with the aim to cover the EADS scandal. Thus, the EADS-Germany-corruption scandal has a political background: In order to be allowed to enter the EU, Romania should have been secure its external border. Romania then commissioned the consulting agency BEARINGPOINT with the implementation of a feasibility study in the value of 430,000 EUR. Within just two days recommended BEARINGPOINT only one company: EADS Germany GmbH. Based on this recommendation EADS Germany was without a public tender the contract for the delivery of technical surveillance systems. There is at least understand why Gerhard Schröder obviously tolerated this procedure as the then Chancellor. A graphic created by the Center for Investigative media, one funded by GOOGLE and the US Department of State facility is the company network and the direct involvement of Daimler Chrysler. The role of DaimlerChrysler, the de facto in Romania with Ion Tiriac, IAON RUS and KLAUS Mangold period in question put the entire top of the EADS deal, was known in the United States in the similar context of the US Securities and Exchange Commission untersucht- in 2010, the Group paid under an agreement with the US government EUR 185 million to avoid further prosecution. Has been in the complaint to the Munich public prosecutor, the last week submitted by independent webzine, states: It appears from the problems identified by the Romanian anti-corruption agency DNA by way of bribes, that EADS Germany GmbH is active from the beginning of the must have been involved in planning this crime . In fact, secret supplementary agreements governing the contract, the DNA would send on request also German investigation authorities, the precise role of FUJlTSU SIEMENS COMPUTER (FSC). The company acted as a subcontractor and was responsible for the preservation of at least EUR 60 million, which were then paid through offshore companies, which were used by FSC with Romanian partners in Cyprus to senior members of the Romanian Government. The files of the Romanian investigative authorities also show that in Cyprus took place substantial cash withdrawals. EADS Germany GmbH tried in this way outwardly represent a clean business and employ FJC as,, normal subcontractor - the role of FSJ consisted in the money at least EUR 60 million - to wash over Cyprus and as a corruption money pay off. A special degree of fault is probably still not only because of, by definition, organized as a serious economic crime to be designated operations. Also tax funds from the European Union were used in hundreds of millions, as of the,, EX-POST EVALUATION REPORT ON THE RESULTS OF IMPACTS OF ACTIONS CO-financed by the EXTERNAL BORDERS FUND ANNUAL PROGRAMMES Report 2010 , Romania, Report set out in article 52 (2) (b) No ofDecision 574/2007 / EC) is apparent. However, it should be noted that this report was written by a high member of the Romanian MAI, to justify the financing of the SISF-limit, which was conceived by EADS Germany. The Romanian state itself was never in a position to raise the EUR 743 million itself, so that part about the EUs PHARE program, another part had to be financed through loans. EADS Germany again began on FSC and downstream companies like Gessa or Profinet, for flowing funds back to Bucharest and Cyprus from the resulting order volumes, where they learned their ultimate destiny as a corruption money. What did Angela Merkel after 2005? Why the Chancellors Office was not informed of the EADS-corruption scandal and whether Chancellor Angela Merkel knew nothing of the machinations in Bucharest, can hardly answer. Mangold was awarded in any case of Merkel for his contribution to the promotion of the German economy. A glance at Wikipedia but makes it clear that the Chancellor of the events in Bucharest should have been informed:,, within the Federal Chancellery for the BND (as well as for the coordination of all three intelligence agencies of the federal government), the department responsible 6; their conductor since 1 January 2010 Günter hot - therefore also holds the office of so-called intelligence coordinator. The grant from the federal budget in 2013 was estimated at around 531.1 million euros and 2014 is estimated at 552.59 million euros. In the complaint against those responsible, the presented to prosecutors in Munich, it is said, therefore: From the fact that EADS Germany GmbH dissolved in 2013 and the CASSIDIAN Unterschleißheim plant was set just a year earlier, also the suspicion must be stated that the closure of the legal persons EADS Germany GmbH and its subsidiary CASSIDIAN the primarily the aim was to cover up the massive corruption structures and to avoid especially law enforcement. The associated job losses may have been taken knowingly purchase .
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:47:29 +0000

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